A Surrendered Life (Romans 12:1-2)
Romans 12:1-2, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. The Scriptures challenge us to yield and do the will of God. Psalm 40:8, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. One man who delighted to do the will of God, no matter what the cost, was Abraham Bininger, a Swiss boy from Zurich. He came with his parents to this country on the same ship with John Wesley. His parents died on the trip and were buried at sea. Young Abraham stepped down the gang-plank alone in a strange and bewildering land. A short time later he decided to take the Gospel to the natives on the island of St. Thomas, but when he got there, he learned that it was illegal for anyone but a slave to preach the Gospel to the slaves. He wrote to the governor of the island begging to become a slave himself that he might have the freedom to proclaim the gospel. The letter was forwarded to the king of Denmark who was so touched by Bininger's desire that he sent an edict to allow him to preach the Gospel where, when, and to whom he chose. This man who presented his body as a living sacrifice was greatly used of the Lord. The Lord expects us to offer our bodies to Him. There can be no doubt the Lord desires and demands physical action on our part. It is not possible to present our bodies if we are not there in a physical sense. Discipleship requires physical action. Discipleship will never be achieved through an apathetic attitude. God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives, but we must seek Him through prayer and the reading of Scripture to discern that perfect will. There is no greater joy a person can have than knowing they are doing the will of the Lord. The Lord calls for all of us to be a living sacrifice and to submit ourselves for His service with all our heart. When we surrender our purpose and will to God and allow Him to use us as He sees fit, amazing things happen. The world is shaken, not by the wise, the mighty, the intelligent, or the skilled, but by those who have yielded to God. Paul said it was "reasonable" for us to surrender our lives, but many today seem to think that it is too much to ask. Instead of surrendering, they cling tightly to their own desires and interests. How much better it is both for us and for a world in need if we surrender and let God choose our path! Each and every morning, teach yourself to begin your day with a prayer of dedication in which you earnestly and reverently present yourself and all that you are to God’s purposes. Don’t assume that because you did it yesterday, you don’t need to do it today. Every day you to take a step closer to the Lord and make a commitment more serious than the one you made before. As followers of Christ, may we have a strong passion to honor Him in every area of life that brings honor to Christ in words and actions and exalts Him. Out of gratitude to the Lord, we should be completely devoted to loving Him, living by His standards and serving His purposes for our lives. Our purpose should be to show God’s holiness in all we do. This requires moral purity and complete dedication to God so we can pursue a deeper relationship with Him. We must offer our bodies to God as dead to sin and alive to God and as the temple of the Holy Spirit. May our impact for Christ go beyond the meeting place where we gather for worship and reach others with the Gospel. Questions to Consider:
Points to Ponder:
PRAYER: Father, teach me that I may know how to be more Christlike that I may please You and that You would be glorified. I know that I will never accomplish this without the Holy Spirit. So right now, I yield to Him. In Jesus name, Amen! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com
God Has A Plan For You (Jeremiah 29:11)
Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. When we are going through trials, it is of great comfort to know that God allows nothing to come into our lives without first passing through the hands of our Heavenly Father. If we are to rise above our circumstances, then we need to look at our circumstances from God's point of view. Fervent prayer and continual studying the Scriptures will help you learn how to do this. What does this mean to you? Below are five things: 1. God made plans for you before the world began. He has plans for you now. You are not a mistake. You are purposed for greatness (John 10:10; Ephesians 2:10). Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Not only does our Lord offer eternal life, He offers a fullness of life in the meantime. The Christian life surpasses anything the world can offer. 2. God's plans for you are bigger and better than your plans for yourself (Ephesians 3:20). Think of your greatest aspiration and then acknowledge the fact that God's desire for you is much bigger than anything you've ever imagined for yourself. 3. Remain faithful over what you have been given charge. Even if it seems like no one is noticing, God is. He is paying attention to what you do and how you do it. He will remember, recognize, and reward you. 4. Never give up. Your life may seem dull, ordinary, and common, but we serve a God who can turn your life around in an instant. Keep your hopes up in the midst of dark days, when we don’t understand what is going on. Remain in faith daily. Trust God every step of the way. Just keep having hope in the Lord no matter how dark it looks. 5. God can turn your life around. One swing from God can take you from fearful to a mighty man of valor (Gideon), from a barren man to a father of nations (Abraham), from a fisherman to a fisher of men (Peter), from an extremist to an evangelist (Paul), and from a shepherd boy to a king (David). Serve God faithfully become the man/woman God has called you to be! Prayer: Father in Heaven I know You love me and it amazes me that You made plans for me before the foundations of the world. Thank You Father for caring for me. I know the thoughts and plans You have for me are for Your glory and for my good. Whatever I may face today, I can expect that You are working for good in all of it. So I’m going to step forward in faith, trusting You in all things and seeking to cooperate fully with Your plans for me. I know I can’t imagine all the good You have planned for my life, but I also know it’s all coming in Jesus’ name, so I can say, amen! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Coffee and the Word of God (Psalm 63:1)
Psalm 63:1, O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;” Nothing else is quite like the aroma of a fresh pot of coffee early in the morning. In fact, many are dependent on it every day, particularly the first thing in the morning. I’m amused at the bumper sticker I read once, “No Coffee…No Workee”. Or this comment a wife gave her husband before they had their morning conversation, “Woah, I have not had my coffee yet.” Understand, that just as important as it is for people to have that cup of coffee first thing, isn’t it more important to have time with the Lord first thing? There’s no questioning it, many people are addicted to coffee. They must have their fresh brewed cup of coffee in the morning to get a little caffeine into the system. The pleasure even begins when preparing the coffee. From spooning the coffee from the canister to brewing it the pot. Coffee is one of the simple pleasures in life that many will never tire of and will always be dependent on. Coffee always goes great with morning conversations and brings pleasure when shared. For most, you cannot get enough coffee. Some want coffee filled to the brim, to the point that it is running over. Coffee! How do you like it? Smooth? French Roast? Bold? Intense Bold? Some prefer their coffee different from than how others would prefer it. Just as people depend on, seek and drink coffee for numbers of reasons, so people seek the Scriptures for various reasons. God’s will is for people to be awake and alert, not groggy and tired. As many seek coffee to bring about alertness, let me encourage you to seek the Scriptures as a means to pursue and bring about His Will for your life. Some prefer Psalm, Proverbs, Gospels etc. Whatever the desire, or direction, the Lord is leading you to that day, get in it. · Somedays you may need Psalms for refreshing. · Somedays you may need Proverbs for wisdom, knowledge, guidance, counsel, and instruction. · Somedays you may need the Gospels for that close walk with the Lord. Every believer should pray as David did in Psalm 63:1. David’s prayer describes a deep longing for God. One that can only be satisfied by a close, personal relationship with Him. Those who claim to know God need to examine themselves by asking, do I really have a strong desire for God’s presence and purposes to be first in my life. Do I go through life with my focus mainly on temporary or worldly goals or pleasures? Have my personal desires replaced prayer, Bible study and true service to God. God will use our wants to create a desire for Him. Only He can satisfy the emotional and spiritual wants in our heart. David was on the run from Absalom and had to flee the land, unable to worship the Lord in Jerusalem. His lack of closeness with the Lord made him thirsty for Him. David sought the enjoyment of communion, closeness, and fellowship with God in public worship in Jerusalem. It was an urgent need of his soul. He viewed it not merely as the sweetest of all luxuries, but as an absolute necessity, like water to a deer. He must have his time with God or faint. We must be close to the Lord or we too, will faint. Neglecting the Living Water will leave us spiritually parched. Thank God, we don't have to go to Jerusalem to be close to the Lord or worship Him. Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we can walk with God each day. Even through the fires of life that we may face, He can quench the thirst in our soul. Psalm 5:3, My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. God desires that believers read His Word every day. But where does one read? Keep in mind, all Scriptures are inspired of the Lord. Therefore, pray and ask Him where He would lead you to. Whatever the need is, the Bible has the answer. But some need a particular portion of Scripture more than another due to what the need is or how the Lord is leading them. PRAYER: Lord, I know that You have something to reveal to me in Your Word. My soul craves to be drawn to Your Words. In Jesus name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com What Makes a Trustworthy Foundation for Life? (Matthew 7:24-27)
Matthew 7:24-27, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Jesus begins by warning of false foundations. He set forth a simple test with a simple illustration. It is not enough to just hear His Word, but to actually do it (James 1:22-25.) A hearer only deceives himself. The doer is the man who is to be blessed. He will withstand the storms of life and judgment. That doing begins with trusting Christ. Jesus uses another simple illustration from life: a house and its foundation. A structure built upon bedrock will be solid and stable. Failing to build on an enduring foundation leads to destruction. A structure built without any foundation may stand for a short time, but when the inevitable storms come, the foundation of the house will collapse. The clear and simple application is of not only hearing, but actually doing the full spectrum of God’s Word in our lives. Some people miss salvation because they have built their lives on the shifting sands of religion. The actual doing of God’s Word is the foundation that brings strength, security, and blessing. This is true in the matter of being saved in the first place and it is particularly true of the ongoing Christian life. It is the doer of the Word who is like the house on the rock. The one not doing His Word is likened to the house on the sand. Every man faces the rains and storms of life. Storms can come anytime, anywhere. They can come today: through accident, through some bad news, through some tragedy—whatever. The day is coming when it will be too late to build. The foolish builder is a man who hears the instructions and does not obey them. Rather than building on the rock, he builds upon sand. He knows how to build, but he chooses not to build according to instructions. The sand is anything other than Christ. The foolish builder built foolishly: there was great destruction—the difference was the foundation. The house fell. If we do not follow the Lord's sayings, His instructions, we will see our house fall and collapse. The trials of this life and the great trial to come will beat upon our house and condemn it to destruction: "And great was the fall of it." When do we need a solid house the most? Isn't it when the winds begin to blow and the storms come? When the storm begins, it is too late to build the house. How tragic to build and then experience the collapse of our lives when the storms come! A terrible storm is coming at death and in the Great Day of Judgment, a storm against which no man can stand unless he is held up by Christ. The man who builds on sand is hopeless. Christ Jesus is the foundational stone for every true believer, a resting place for those who build for eternity. The Words of Christ are a trustworthy foundation. Obeying God is like building a house on a strong, solid foundation that stands firm when storms come. When life is calm, our foundations don't seem to matter. But when crises come, our foundations are tested. Be sure your life is built on the solid foundation of knowing and trusting Jesus Christ. The Bible never says that the rains won’t come. But if we’re built solidly on God’s Word, then we’ll survive the storm. If we’re built on worry, doubt, fear, and the world’s temporal pleasures, then our lives will shift, crack, and eventually crumble. Wise people hear the Word of God and do what it says. Foolish people hear the Word of God but don’t do what it says. We shouldn’t be afraid of the storms because we believe in the God of the storms. We shouldn’t pray that God takes away our trials, because trials help mold us into His image—and they reveal the person we really are. Take some time today to examine your life. Is it built upon shifting sands or on the strong foundation of God’s Word?
Prayer: Almighty Father, there are so many times when I turn the volume down on You and go my own way. I honestly don’t know why I do that because it never goes well. I want to be more sensitive to Your Spirit. Help me to stand on Your Word, and live according to Your principles. Help me to trust You enough to obey Your Word. Forgive my unbelief and pride to think I can manage on my own. In Jesus’ name, Amen. If this post has blessed you in any way, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com 2 Priorities for a Powerful Prayer Life (Matthew 14:22-23)
Matthew 14:22–23, And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. Jesus was very popular. The crowds sought Him out! Everyone wanted to be with Him! Masses of people followed Him for various reasons. They either wanted to hear Him, or ask Him a question, or get Him to heal a loved one. From daylight to dusk Jesus was sought. When the crowd knew He was in town, they found Him. Jesus never had a moment alone to be with the Father, unless He made it happen. It is very important that we spend time alone with God. Perhaps everyone of us struggle at times when it comes to making time for prayer. The subject of prayer has been has written about thousands of time to make one more confident and consistent in time spent with the Lord. A Quiet Place. The first priority is establishing a quiet place that is free from distractions. When you want to pray, where do you go? Do you have a special place where you enjoy some quiet time? The Scottish pastor Thomas Brooks said, “The power of religion and godliness lives, thrives, or dies, as closet [private] prayer lives, thrives, or dies. Godliness never rises to a higher pitch than when men keep closest to their closets.” Your prayer closet is one of the most important places you’ll go to every day. Since, we all have busy lives we have to adjust to what works best. Personally, I feel the best time and place would be early in the mornings in a quiet secluded place at home. However, for some it may be at a restaurant, coffee shop, or my office cube. A Quiet Period. The second priority is having a specific time. Having found a quiet place, we also need a quiet, committed period of time. Despite our best plans, there are times when life gets chaotic. This may mean scheduling a specific time of day in which you talk with the Lord. Although we can take our cares and burdens to the Lord at any time, if we are committed to a consistent prayer life and scheduled time will help. For some it will be harder than others to find a quiet hour. This means we may have to sacrifice things that maybe pleasant and profitable. The most important appointment you make every day is the one you make with God. Find a quiet place and a quiet time where you can spend time alone before God. These are priorities to a powerful prayer life along with an effective personal devotion. Jesus always found time to spend with the Father. Since prayer was such an important part in the life of Jesus how much more important is it to us who are broken and sinful. Time alone with the Lord will be the most comforting time in your day. Prayer, Lord, I humbly ask You to graciously grant me a heart that desires to pray. Forgive me, I’ve just been struggling with fear and doubt that has troubled the peace I have from You. I commit myself to prayer and I am casting these things Your way right now. I’m choosing not to worry about them anymore because You will deal with them under the authority of Jesus’ name, Amen If this post has blessed you in any way Please share this website and its articles with others www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com God’s Spiritual Scalpel (Hebrews 4:12)
Hebrews 4:12, For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Gipsy Smith told of a man who said he had received no inspiration from the Bible although he had “gone through it several times.” “Let it go through you once,” replied Smith, “Then you will tell a different story!” Gaylord Kambarami, the General Secretary of the Bible Society in Zimbabwe, tried to give a New Testament to a very belligerent man. The man insisted he would roll the pages and use them to make cigarettes. Mr. Kambarami said, “I understand that, but at least promise to read the pages of the New Testament before you smoke it.” The man agreed, and the two went their separate ways. Fifteen years later, the two men met at a convention in Zimbabwe. The Scripture-smoking pagan had been saved and was now a full-time evangelist. He told the audience, “I smoked Matthew, and I smoked Mark, and I smoked Luke. But when I got to John 3:16, I couldn’t smoke anymore. My life was changed from that moment.” The Bible is more than just words on paper? God’s Word is likened to a spiritual scalpel. The word sword here is more in the sense of scalpel used for surgery rather than a long sword. The emphasis is not upon the length of the blade, but upon the razor sharpness thereof. It is quick living. It is also powerful in that it is effective and effectual. God’s Word has the surgical sharpness to pierce deeper than our mind and into our heart. The Word of God can accomplish so much in our lives if we simply take the time to open it and be receptive to what it has to say. God’s Word surpasses logic and psychology. It pierces directly to the human heart (our spirit), just as the surgeon’s knife goes to the marrow. Let’s consider our body for an example. Within the leg is the bone which is not visible even as our mind is not physically visible. However, even deeper still is the marrow even as our spirit {or spiritual heart} resides at the deepest level of human existence. The difference between a surgeon and a butcher is a surgeon uses the scalpel for restoring and healing whereas that butcher uses the cleaver for slaughtering. Scripture is like a scalpel wielded by God to perform spiritual surgery. In conjunction with the Holy Spirit, the Word of God cuts through the sin and darkness of the human heart to restore spiritual health and vitality for Christ. Without the Word, we are as good as dead. God’s Word, however, eliminates the disease of the human heart and breathes life where there is death. We face much difficulty in our life, and we will face many trials as we walk on this earth. The Lord has the power and desire to comfort us during any trial we face (II Corinthians 1:3-4). R.A. Torrey taught that one way to fullness of power was to be full of the Word of God. What does the Bible have the power to do? The power of God's Word produces courage and helps us live for God and take a strong stand for what is right. We who love God understand firsthand how great the Scripture is. It has worked in our heart and we have never been the same since. The Bible is our spiritual lifeline and brings us the essential spiritual nourishment we need to live for God. Our relationship grows deeper with Jesus when we get in the Word of God and apply it to our life. Without Scripture we have no direction from God and will wander in the wilderness spiritually. The Bible is our foundation and this is what we build our life on. Prayer: Lord, I know that Your Word has the power to transform my life. Forgive me for the times I have just skimmed over Your Word rather than planting it deep in my heart. As I take it into my heart and get it deep into my soul, I ask You to use Your Word to release its power in my life! In Jesus name I pray. Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Grappling with God (Genesis 32)
In Genesis 32, we find Jacob in a precarious position. His father in law Laban was behind him, while his brother Esau was before him. Years earlier, Jacob deceived Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 25). This incident brought about years of pain and vengeance to the point that Esau threatened to kill Jacob. Jacob still feared Esau’s revenge. Jacob was met with the possibility that his sin would find him out. What if Esau was set on vengeance? A guilty conscience doesn't need an accuser, nor will it let you blame someone else. Jacob was without excuse and he knew it. After all he had done to Esau, his conscience was pricked with the thought of his sin and deception. Again and again, Jacob was reminded of the fact that he was headed for a confrontation with his past and his sin. What he didn't know was that God was going to confront him before he ever got to Esau. Jacob was the one who said he wanted to serve God but attempted to do it in his flesh. The one who used carnal methods in hopes of achieving the blessings and promises of God. The one who saw life as one extended negotiation process, constantly looking for loopholes in lordship, obedience and holiness. Jacob's life was in conflict between his flesh and the Spirit. Jacob regarded his life as a wasted life. He had spent a great deal of energy and time running from God, fighting God, resisting the Lord, and deceiving people. We see his depravity against the framework of God's desire to use him. The good report is that Jacob didn't play the blame game. He didn't criticize how his parents raised him, or reprimand what Laban did to him earlier. We will never be eager for God if we blame our environment, our education (or lack thereof), our surroundings, our parents, or our circumstances. I've heard people blame the system, their circumstances, or their absentee father. The reality is this: we do make choices. Two people can be in identical situations; one turns to God, while the other shakes his fist at Him. One has a pity party, and the other praises God in spite of it all. Mankind will never seek the Saviour unless they see themselves as a sinner. Sin deceives us into thinking we can negotiate with God. It deludes us into believing that we can get better in our flesh. It destroys us by telling us we can make it to Heaven, but dodge a direct encounter with the Christ, who demands our whole life be surrendered to Him. What Jacob failed to learn early was that anytime someone fights against God, regardless of who they are, they will lose every time. Three choices will get us into God's will and keep us there. Decision, dedication and a daily walk in the power of the Spirit. Daily submission to the will of God is accomplished in prayerful meditation upon the Word of God. It is only in submission that the light is manifest to us. In that meditation we learn of His strength and wisdom. After his encounter with the Lord, he always walked with a limp. When a man is walking with the Lord, he will always be out of step with the world! People can have the luxury of being raised by the best parents, taught by the best teachers, mentored by the best coaches, and still struggle to respect and regard the valuable lessons in life. Because of this, often the Lord has to give some a Divine encounter. Too often people will remember a good scare rather than remembering good advice. PRAYER: Lord, as You needed to break Jacob for Your service, I come and present myself before You that You may mold me so that I might forever be altered for Your service and satisfaction as found in Romans 12:1-2. In Jesus name, Amen! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Overcoming an Overwhelming Fear (Psalm 56:3)
We can all relate to experiencing fear in one form or another. It’s a natural emotion just like grief or anger. You don’t ever coach yourself, “I think I need to feel afraid.” You don’t have to plan it—fear just happens. We have nothing to fear—and yet we do fear. We need an answer for our worries. What do you fear as you’re going through a storm? It may not be the storm itself, but what’s coming afterward. Or someone who's just been diagnosed with a chronic illness—it’s not the news today, it’s tomorrow and next week. It’s the worry of, “What will happen to me? Will I be okay?” The unknown results and outcomes may drive your fears. But there is an alternative. In the midst of the storm you do not have to fear the future. God is with you. Nothing comes into your life but what Almighty God allows. Nothing comes into your life that God doesn’t already know about. And since He is with you, you don’t have to fear. Too many Christians want the benefit of claiming “God is with me,” but spend too little time talking to the God who is with them. Can fear be avoided entirely? Probably not. But Scripture gives us an alternative plan that prepares for, and responds to, fear. Psalm 56:3, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” God's Word gives us hope when we find ourselves overtaken by fear. Instead of wallowing in it we can put our trust in Him. We can deliberately turn away from fear and toward the Lord. This affirmation is also found in Isaiah 12:2, “…I will trust, and not be afraid...” Points to Ponder:
Questions to Consider:
Prayer, Father, You are with me so I never face my fears alone. And You are for me so who can stand against me? You gave Your own Son for me and You will graciously give me all I need. When I fear, help me to cling to Your promise that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Help me to speak and live fearlessly because You are with me. I am never alone. You are with me. I commit this truth to my heart right now. May this simple, profound truth sustain me today. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com It Takes Teamwork (I Corinthians 3:8-10)
I Corinthians 3:8-10, Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. John Wooden was the basketball coach at UCLA for twenty-seven years. He never had a losing season. Wooden's teams won seven consecutive national championships, and UCLA posted an eighty-eight-game winning streak that spanned four seasons. Surprisingly, he never talked to his players about winning. Wooden's formula for success was to emphasize constant improvement and performance. He avoided getting his teams "up," because he knew that would eventually bring a valley. Instead, he was never satisfied with past performances; they could always be improved. Improvement meant rigorous preparation toward new goals. "I believe that failure to prepare is preparing to fail," Wooden told his players. But the coach never prepared his teams to play a particular opponent; he prepared his teams to play anyone, at any time. Wooden preached that success was not outscoring the opponent, it was being able to hold your chin up after the game and know that you have given your best effort. Of course, if you have done your best, the score will usually be to your liking, when you are deserving. Wooden was more concerned about his players' character than ability. A person with good character will respond to adversity by learning and overcoming. Wooden believed that good players will be honest, consistent, and work together as a team, and if those players also have ability, they will become true champions. Every day of our lives, whether we realize it or not, we are building up a reputation by which we will be known. The things that we do and the lives that we touch will be remembered for good or ill. Reputations are not quickly made. Instead they are the slow and gradual accumulation of deeds, words and habits as they are observed by others. As a family of God, we are laborer’s together with God. We, the Lord’s children, are on the same team and strive to accomplish His game plan. When we are on His team, we value the team above our own. We value the team’s goals, principles, and values. We are willing to do our part for the good of the team and no sacrifice is too great. As team players we follow instructions and stick with the game plan. As teammates, we respond eagerly without hesitation. We trust the leader’s commitment and we point others to the leader and encourage them to follow his lead. Prayer: Father in Heaven, I am both humbled and honored that I get to be apart of Your team. Help strengthen me I may do my part and never hesitate to answer when You call. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com The World's Safest Place to Be (Psalm 91:4)
Psalm 91:4, He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler During a blizzard in South Wales, England, a young mother and her baby were making their way across the foothills when she was overtaken by the frigid storm. Failing to reach her destination, a group of searchers found her frozen body with her baby tightly wrapped underneath her; the child was warm and still alive. The mother had taken off her outer garments and covered her child from the cold. The child grew up to be David Lloyd George, Britain's Prime Minister and one of the greatest statesmen in England. His political and social greatness was made possible because his mother covered him in love. Much like David Lloyd George, our achievements in life can only be attributed to the covering of God's love. God is omnipotent, all-powerful. He will cover and protect us under His wings of care when we stay close to Him. The psalmist compared God’s care for His people to a bird gathering her young under her wings in order to protect them. The Lord will be our refuge, covering and protecting us in the dangers of life. Regardless of the threats and fears we may face; we can be confident in the protection of our loving Saviour. The truth or faithfulness of God will be our shield and buckler. God has given us His faithful promises to use as our armor for life’s battles (Ephesians 6:10-20). We are protected by His faithfulness to His Word. Knowing that, we can have complete confidence that He will fulfill His promises to us. In perilous times, we need to trust God to help us. When we abide in Him and live in the fullness of His Spirit, we can face every situation of life without fear. Whatever difficulties or dangers we may face, our Lord will be with us. The shadow of the Almighty will cover us through them all. We are covered by the feathers and sheltering wings of the Lord. His truth is our defense. It is our shield and buckler. The message is God's truth protects and surrounds us. It protects us from lies and deception and from making foolish decisions that scar our lives. Genuine security brings peace in times of darkness, danger, destruction, disease, and death. Night is a time of terrors, robbery, and murder. The godly man lies down in peace, and sleeps quietly, for he trusts his life in the hand of God, and he knows that He neither snoozes nor sleeps. Security and peace are a by-product of entrusting your life to God's care. The fear of the unknown, the fear of loneliness, the fear of darkness, the fear of the future, or the fear of battle can be removed when your life is totally yielded to the Lord and you are obeying and doing what He instructs you to do in His Word. Peace comes from trusting in Him. In perilous times, we need to trust God to help us. When we abide in Him and live in the fullness of His Spirit, we can face every situation of life without fear. Satan’s fury against God, His Word, and His people is becoming more savage every day. More and more believers are paying a price for their faith in Jesus Christ. Through it all, however, God is our helper, and He is always with us (Hebrews 13:5-6). Our Saviour has promised to be with us to the end (Matthew 28:20). Whatever difficulties or dangers we may face, our Lord will be with us, we will not walk alone. We will walk under the comforting shelter of God’s shadow. Points to Ponder:
Questions to Consider:
Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your presence with me and that my future is secure in the place You're preparing for me. Your words bring me hope and comfort. Daily I catch glimpses of Your glory and blessing along the way as I walk with You. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com |
AuthorDr. Blackman is passionate about helping others grow in the grace of the Lord. His devotions are centered on how to grow closer to the Lord through a personal relationship with Christ. Archives
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