Divine Washing Machine (Revelation 1:5)
Revelation 1:5, And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, He “loved us”. This shows continual action. His love resulted in action. He washed us from our sins in his own blood. What a price He paid for our redemption! The price was blood. There is only one ransom, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Concerning sin, the Bible declares without shedding of blood is no remission (Hebrews 9:22). Blood is the Divine requirement to pay for sin. The word “wash” means to “cleanse; to be loosed, set free, and released from sin! Jesus shed His blood on the cross and when we trust Him; His blood washes us whiter than snow and cleanses us from every stain of sin (I John 1:7). The text says, …washed us from our sins in his own blood...” Notice: “our sins” and “His Own blood”. All we had to contribute to our salvation was sin. He contributed His blood. And, His blood washes away all of our sins (Ephesians 1:7). The only Source of the cleansing our sins is by and through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our good works and own righteousness are as filthy rags in God's sight! He has washed us from our sins in His own blood! Jesus shed His own blood on the cross of Calvary in fulfilling that Divine requirement, so that He might wash us from our sins in his own blood. He loved us before we were washed. He “loved us” all the way through; backward in time and eternity, or forward as far as is possible. Before God created the Heavens and the earth, He loved us. We were stained in sins. Being washed means the stain has been taken away. Nobody can de-stain us like the Lord. The blood of Jesus is so powerful that it can get the stain out. As a matter of fact, the Lord used what you might call a divine washing machine. He takes that washing machine and once He places you in the divine washing machine, when you come out, you're whiter than snow. You are washed and free of stains. He has “washed us from our sins in his own blood.” The cleansing property of the blood of Christ is made clear. It is not the “washing” but what’s in the “water” that cleanses. Detergent has a synthetic substance that wipes away and cleanses any dirty or foul matter. The blood of Christ is a “detergent” in that it separates us, frees us, loosens us “from our sins.” He is our surfactant for the guilt of sin. A surfactant is a surface-active agent or solution used for purging or cleansing. The detergent has agents that dissolve the dirt from the fabric and attaches the dirt to itself and is then flushed away. This fact can be read on the back of any detergent product. How did the blood of Jesus Christ set us free from sin? He had lived a sinless and perfect life as a Man upon earth. He was able to take our sins upon Himself and bear the punishment for them. He took our sins off of us, removed them, and died for them. Therefore, we are free and loosed from sin. Sin has been removed from us. We stand before God free of sin and acceptable to Him. But remember how: by the shed blood of Jesus Christ upon the cross. It is the shed blood of Christ upon the cross; His dying for our sins that frees us from sin (Galatians 1:4, Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; I Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 5:9). John 8:36, If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. God alone can remove sin. This means that, for God, every sin you have ever committed, every evil thing you have ever done, you are still doing, and will continue to do forever, apart from God’s forgiveness. Only the omnipotent, eternal God, who controls all the factors of time, space and matter could ever remove sin. He gives us freedom from the stain of sin. Guilt is the stain of sin. For many people, a visual stain on their clothes leads one to become embarrassed or ashamed. Christ’s cleansing power frees us from any and all guilt before God. With His own blood, He entered into the holy place (Hebrews 9:12). The blood of Jesus, believers are washed from their sins (Revelation 1:5). The blood of Jesus, their robes are made white (Revelation 7:14). The blood of Jesus, they overcome (Revelation 12:11). The blood of Jesus, the conscience is purged (Hebrews 9:14). The blood of Jesus, peace is made (Colossians 1:20). The blood of Jesus, we enter in also (Hebrews 10:19). The blood of Jesus, we are made nigh (Ephesians 2:13). The blood of Jesus, we are justified (Romans 5:9). The blood of Jesus, we have redemption (Ephesians 1:7). PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the blood Jesus shed on the cross for my sins. I stand justified before You because of Christ’s sacrifice. In Jesus name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com
Building Others Up! (Proverbs 3:27)
Proverbs 3:27, Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. God cares about the smallest details of our lives. The man who owes you money and has the means to pay it back, yet keeps on putting you off is foolish, for God sees him and takes note of his behavior. When someone is due good at our hand, there is great wisdom in rewarding that good. The good may be money owed or a word of thanks. The greater thought is that when we owe someone, there is wisdom in paying the good due to them promptly. Moral principles are entrenched in God's laws, which are all impartial and just. God does not look kindly on people who procrastinate to the point of criminal inactivity. As believers, we have a Biblical responsibility to be prompt in our obligations and, if we are able, to help and assistance those who need our help (Exodus 23:4-5; Acts 20:35; I Timothy 5:16; James 1:27). Galatians 6:10, As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. When the mantle was passed from Moses to Joshua, God knew Joshua would need all the help he could get in leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. So God told Moses, Joshua’s mentor, the instructions according to Deuteronomy 3:27-28, Get thee up into the top of Pisgah, and lift up thine eyes westward, and northward, and southward, and eastward, and behold it with thine eyes: for thou shalt not go over this Jordan. Everyone needs encouragement…even you need it! During the 1920’s the Chisolm’s were the epitome of American high society. Everlina, the Chisolm’s housekeeper, who had been with them for 45 years, and when her niece came over to play, they took the little girl under their wing. She sang beautifully and Mrs. Chisolm, a trained musician, asked if she would like to become a professional singer. She was thrilled. Her most prized possessions were recordings of famous opera singers, and when the Metropolitan was on the radio she was mesmerized. It was on that day she took the first step towards realizing her dream and guests of the Chisholm’s were amazed by the girl who sang with a talent and sensitivity far beyond her years. Elizabeth Chisholm continued to sponsor her education by sending her to study at Julliard. As a result, the world was introduced to the phenomenal talent of Leontyne Price, the darling of the Metropolitan Opera. The Bible admonishes us to “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it”. One of the highest responsibilities we have is to encourage one another. As followers of the Lord, we are instructed to build others up by emphasizing on others potential. Become the oxygen to others around you who are gasping for hope. Strengthen to persevere for the Kingdom. Encourage then that all things work together for good to them that love God. These verses can apply to giving rewards, assistance, or praise to those who deserve them. Another application, however, is the on-time payment of your debts to your creditors or wages to those who work for you. Wisdom is demonstrated by how we respond to and interact with others. Love places us in debt to our neighbor, so we are morally obligated to do our neighbor good when he is in need if we have the ability or resources to do him good. This good is not to be delayed but promptly performed. Do not delay to help those who deserve it. As believers, we have a holy responsibility to be prompt in our obligations and to be generous in helping and giving to those in need. This command relates to the following: · Paying workers their wages and paying them promptly (Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:14-15; James 5:4). · Providing assistance to those who need our help (Exodus 23:4-5; Acts 20:35; I Timothy 5:16; James 1:27). · Paying our debts in a timely manner (Psalm 37:21; Romans 13:8). Four examples of withholding good: 1. Jacob (Genesis 25:29-33) 2. The Ammonites (Deuteronomy 23:3-4) 3. Nabal (I Samuel 25:10-11) 4. The priests and Levite (Luke 10:30-35) Three examples of not withholding good: 1. Abraham (Genesis 13:9; 14:23) 2. The widow (I Kings 17:9-16) 3. The good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) Question to Consider: Who can you encourage today? PRAYER: Lord, help me to be mindful of others who I can help, encourage or build up in the faith. In Jesus' name. Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com He Will Lead You...Will You Follow? (Psalm 32:8)
Psalm 32:8, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. All of us need direction and guidance for our lives. We are living in a fractured and a frightening world. We struggle to make good choices hindered by our own deceitful hearts and our sin natures. Yet God has not neglected us to wander blindly through life. We have the guidance of the Holy Spirit who abides in our hearts to rely on. It is important to understand that His work of leading us is done through the Word of God. Our feelings can lead us the error, but the Bible is always true. When the Holy Spirit guides our understanding of Scripture and we follow Him, our walk will be straight. When Abraham followed God, he was positive he was heading in the right direction, even though he had no idea where he was going. That’s because he was walking by faith and not by sight. To walk by faith is not to take a blind leap in the dark, but to trust God to lead you down a path you have never taken before. From the time Abraham left his homeland in Ur of the Chaldees until the time he came within inches of slaying his only son as a sacrifice in obedience to God on Mt. Moriah, he had to entrust his well-being, his reputation, and his aspirations to the perfect wisdom of God. In spite of his own weaknesses and shortcomings, He lived by faith. Faith in God strengthened him to press ahead through the difficulties of his journey. And it persuaded him that the path he traveled was the right one. What a blessed promise from God! Psalm 32:8, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. This promise is from the very eye of God. Keep in mind, you can place your hope in the sovereign hand of God. He has a special interest in you. He truly loves and cares for you. This is a declaration about God. He who knows all and sees all knows far better than we do. God has instructed us and told us how to live, but the trouble with man is that he does not pay much attention to what God says and goes his own way rather than the way God has instructed. Only a foolish person would ignore such wise counsel, and yet, this is done every day. He has promised to instruct us and guide us in the way we should go (Psalm 73:24; Proverbs 3:5-6). If you are not living daily in the Word of God you are cutting off God’s guidance for your life. Each day we are blessed to be able to encounter new opportunities. For some, this can be a struggle due to the fear of what the future holds. When we cannot see what lies ahead, we become worrisome and we feel out of control. Financial setbacks, disappointments, personal problems tend to obscure our vision for hope in the future causing us doubt and despair. The Scriptures encourage us to thrust our concerns onto the Lord (I Peter 5:7). If you are neglecting the Scriptures, you are hindering God’s guidance for your life. The more we read and study the Scriptures, the more the Lord will lead us. When you need direction on the paths of life, remember that God is always near. He is there to guide us down the right paths. He will strengthen us when we are weak. He will give comfort when we are distressed. We just need to listen to Him. We serve an awesome God. Remember to thank the Lord for guiding us safely until we reach Heaven’s shores. PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for the opportunities given me each day to trust in You. Help me to walk with surety upon the promises of Your Word, that You will guide me as I walk through the dark valleys of life. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Overcoming Fear with Obedience (John 10:27)
John 10:27, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Before the beginning of an athletic event, awaited by thousands of fans, a little dog strayed from its master onto the field. From the grandstand on one side of the field, one whistled. Presently, many were whistling to the dog from all sides of the field. In the middle of the field, the little dog, filled with confusion and fright, crouched to the ground. Then, a boy at the end of the field put two fingers into his mouth and whistled shrilly and loudly. The little dog, recognizing his master's call amidst the others, leaped to his feet. With ears erect, the dog ran swiftly to its master. About God's children following their heavenly Master, Jesus said, " My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:" Let us be swift to discern and obey His voice. 1. Do you hear His voice? Sheep recognize their shepherd’s voice because they know him. If you find yourself increasingly familiar with what Jesus said and eager to think about and obey Him, you are living in the flock. If you can’t honestly hear His voice, you have to decide if you’ve wandered off and need to return. “One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer 2. Does Christ know you? A shepherd can pick out his sheep from a mixed flock. But knowing is more than recognizing—it's love, intimacy, and transparency. Do you welcome Jesus’ knowledge the way David did in Psalm 139:1, “O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.” Either He’s your Shepherd or you are treating Him as a stranger. 3. Are you following Him? Recognizing the call to relationship and heart obedience that Jesus expects ought to make you pause. Sometimes you may need to confess, I hear His voice, but I’m not always understanding what His Word is telling me to do. Becoming aware of your need for more direction actually means you are hearing Him. “Obedience to God is the most infallible evidence of sincere and supreme love to him”, Nathanael Emmons. God does not expect negotiation, He expects obedience in every part of our lives. Even believers who have known Jesus for years admit, “I’m not following perfectly.” Jesus knows you can’t follow Him flawlessly. In spite of that, He invites you to follow Him anyway. He provides His constant presence to help you do what you are incapable of doing on your own. This is why you can call Jesus your Shepherd. He is the perfect Shepherd even though you’re not a perfect sheep. Thank Him for being your Shepherd today. Points to Ponder: Obedience should be decided immediately. Obedience should be decided completely. Questions to Consider: As I review my life, am I one hundred percent obedient to the Word of God? Where would you like to strengthen your obedience to the Lord? Prayer: Lord, thank You for sending Your Son as my Shepherd. Thank You for showing me that as a good Shepherd, He laid His life down for me, in order to save me and provide forgiveness to me for my sins. Thank You that He lives to knowingly lead me today as I hear His voice and follow Him. And thank You for showing me ways I can hear and follow better. In Jesus’ name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Our Faithful God (II Thessalonians 3:3)
II Thessalonians 3:3, But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. In II Thessalonians 3:3 of our text, Paul says, “…the Lord is faithful…” That was what the people in Thessalonica needed to hear, and it is the what you and I need to hear today. These thoughts remind us that our God is The Faithful God. I need to be reminded of that fact from time to time. One example of faithfulness is “Old Faithful” in the heart of Yellowstone National Park. It erupts every 90 minutes to 2 minutes. Like Old Faithful, our Heavenly Father is faithful. God will be faithful to you because He is fully committed to you. He will keep every promise He has ever made in His Word! The LORD is faithful in many ways, here are two: 1. He is faithful to forgive. I John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Confession simply means being honest with ourselves and with God, and if others are involved, being honest with them, too. God is faithful to His promises. 2. He is faithful to forget. Hebrews 8:12, For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. What comforting Scriptures! God knows everything, but there are some things He has chosen to forget. God will remember our sins no more. When He buries our sin, He chooses not to dig them up and throw them in our face. When we forgive someone we bury the sin and relinquish our right to dig it up and remind the person about it. It is important that we learn to forgive like Jesus and love others like He did. Prayer, Father, I can’t help but think of the hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” as I think about all You have brought me through. It is true that I have faced many trials and temptations. And as I look back, I see how You protected and strengthened me every time. Thank You for Your personal care for me! Help me to remember these things as new trials and temptations present themselves in the future. In Jesus’ name, Amen. If this post has blessed you in any way please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Standing on the Promises of God (II Peter 1:4)
II Peter 1:4, Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Do you ever feel inadequate for the demands of the day? I do every day! The longer I serve the Lord, the more I recognize my need for His power. Also, the longer I serve Him, the more I recognize my need to trust His power. Through God’s Word, He has given us “exceeding great and precious promises” (II Peter 1:4). But we often trust our fears and our feelings more than we trust His Word. In many cases, our thinking runs directly opposite of God’s promises. We say: It's impossible. God says: All things are possible with Me. (Matthew 19:26) We say: I can’t do it. God says: You can do all things through Me. (Philippians 4:13) We say: I’m too tired. God says: I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28–30) We say: I’m always worried. God says: Cast your cares upon Me. (I Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:6) We say: I can’t go on. God says: My grace is sufficient for you. (II Corinthians 12:9) We say: I can’t figure things out. God says: I will direct your steps. (Proverbs 3:6) We say: I’m not able God says: I am able. (II Timothy 1:12) We say: It’s not worth it. God says: It will be worth it. (Galatians 6:9; Titus 2:13) We say: I can’t manage. God says: I will supply all your needs. (Philippians 4:19) We say: I’m afraid. God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear. (II Timothy 1:7) We say: I don’t have enough faith. God says: I have given everyone a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3) We say: I’m not smart enough. God says: I give you wisdom. (James 1:5) We say: I feel all alone. God says: I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) This chart is not original with me. I don’t even remember where I first saw it, but I have filed it and shared it with others because it is a good reminder that our thoughts are not the final answer. If you feel overwhelmed or insufficient today, I encourage you to identify a promise from God’s Word and claim it! When we stand on the promises of God, we stand on solid ground. Which of God’s promises are precious to you? Which ones are you storing up in your heart and mind to carry with you into the future? Consider starting a list of God’s promises as you read His Word. Make it your intention to believe His promises are precious and very great. Then commit to start knowing them by heart. Then you'll be ready to hang on to them through whatever challenge comes next. What five promises of God can you write down right now? How did each of them become memorable to you? Where are you tracking how God is keeping His promises? If you aren’t, how will you put that into practice? Prayer: Father, I thank You already for what You are going to do for me. For Your Son’s promise to always be with me. Thank You for the confidence to face the uncertainties of the year ahead because I can have confidence in You. I commit myself anew to believe Your Word and to listen to Your Spirit’s prompting. Your promises are precious and I thank You for making them available so I can lean on them and rest in them every day. Once Your presence and Your promises are presented to us, our lives cannot be the same. Without You we can do nothing. LORD, abide in us. In the power of Jesus name, Amen. If this post has blessed you in any way Please share this website and its articles with others www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Take Time Today to Rejoice in Your Relationship with Jesus (Psalm 68:19)
Psalm 68:19, "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation." David wanted to praise the Lord with all that was within him. That was true in David’s day. How much truer is it today? God is the source of all these blessings. The blessings are not sporadic but daily. Everyday God blesses us. God is not tightfisted with His blessings. He piles blessings on top of blessings. He loads us to overflowing with blessings. Truly, He has daily loaded us with blessings. Daily we need to be reminding ourselves and giving thanks for the Lord’s benefits. Therefore, we have a duty to bless the God of our salvation. If that was true then, how much more so now! “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2). To bless the Lord means to show admiration for the Lord as we thank and praise Him. The benefits of the Lord are, indeed, great and marvelous and it would be an act of ingratitude not to remember and appreciate them. When considering His benefits, we have the great gift of eternal life through faith in Christ and His finished work of redemption. We have it every day of the year and are daily ready to meet the Lord, whenever He calls. Each day we have the indwelling presence of His Spirit, the illuminating guidance of His Word, the daily provision of all real needs and the assurance of His love. He has surely loaded us with benefits! Thank the Lord for the blessings of salvation you can enjoy right now. What a wonderful privilege to know Jesus Christ personally! Because of salvation we will someday enjoy a home in Heaven, a sinless body and eternity with Christ. We all look forward to our future with Jesus, but it's easy to forget about the benefits of salvation for today. Since God is the source of all our blessings, He deserves the full measure of our praise. If we honestly assess all that the Lord has done for us, it will not take long for us to begin rejoicing that He daily loads us with benefits. Let's take a moment to remember a few of the many blessings we can enjoy every day as Christians. · Alongside counting all of those blessings, let's make it a goal this year to make those blessings count. · Go reach the lost at your workplace or in your neighborhood. · Make it a point to help fellow Christians who need encouragement. · Lift up those who are hurting in prayer. · How will you bless the Lord today? Prayer, Father in Heaven, forgive me for complaining about the things I don’t have and create in my heart a spirit of contentment for the things I do have. I never again want to fail to thank You and praise You for Your daily blessings. I understand that many of the blessings You have blessed me with are for the purpose of blessing others. Help me to make these blessings count. In Jesus name, Amen! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Faith That Pleases God (Hebrews 11:6)
Hebrews 11:6, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. The importance of walking by faith in the Lord is a paramount principle of the Christian life. When the Lord saved us He also gave us a will or purpose for our lives. This is why it is so vital that we walk with the Lord every day. Often God asks us to take a step of faith before He shows us what He is up to. He did this with Abraham in Genesis 12. Abraham was just told to get up and get out and then God would reveal which direction he was to take. Galatians 3:11, But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. Galatians 3:11 is actually a quote from Habakkuk 2:4. Habakkuk 2:4, Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. Paul also quoted Romans 1:17, For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. The importance of this statement is revealed through its repetition. Hebrews 10:38, Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. Faith is a fundamental of the Christian life. Galatians 3:11 makes it clear that living by faith is a righteous thing. God wants us to live by faith. Hebrews 11:6, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 makes it clear that it is impossible to please God without faith. This verse points out two paramount principles of what faith is. First, faith is believing that God is—that He exists, and that He is who the Scriptures say He is. Second, faith is trusting that God rewards those who seek Him. When we understand this, we will want to involve Him in every area of our lives. Romans 14:23 shows us the flip side of faith. Romans 14:23, And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Whenever we fail to exercise our faith the end always results in negativity. The outcome is loneliness, disobedience, worry, guilt, etc. Trusting in God brings blessing, while trusting in man brings curse. Sooner or later man will always disappoint us and let us down. God is not that way. Trusting in man is like being a bush in the desert—dependent on inconsistent rain to have our needs met. Trusting in God is like being a tree planted by a continual source of water. Psalm 1:3, And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. POINT TO PONDER: If we are to experience the life God has for us, it will be only by faith and that means trusting Him step by step. QUESTION TO CONSIDER: In what areas of my life am I intentionally exercising the faith that pleases God? PRAYER: Father, thank You for the gift of faith that You give, that I can then use to trust You to do all the things that I could never do for myself, but need to have done! Guard me from thinking that anything in me could please You apart from faith. You even provide that! And thank You for Your amazing grace toward me, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com God's Love Displayed in the Life of a Christian (I John 4:9-11)
I John 4:9-11, In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. G. Campbell Morgan was once at lunch with his wife and his five sons who were also preachers. A friend asked them, "Who is the greatest preacher?" In unison the six men said, "Our mother." Mrs. Morgan's life affected others more than any sermon her husband and sons had preached. Because we are Christians, people will watch us. They will watch how we live and what we let affect our lives. Many times, they will judge Christianity based on our lives. How did God so love us? God loved us selflessly, sacrificially, sincerely, steadfastly. All throughout the Scriptures, God speaks of His love for us through His Word. He proved His love to us when He sent His only begotten Son to die on Calvary. If God had not taken the initiative to bring about our salvation, no one would be saved. Romans 3:10-11, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God”. But God’s love was so great that He sent His Son to be the sinless sacrifice to purchase our redemption. This is the foundation of our salvation. God did not wait for mankind to come to Him. He sent His Son to seek and to save us. Jesus left Heaven and sought after the lost so that we could have a restored relationship with Him. I John 4:11 tells us that we are to love one another. Christ does not give a list of requirements someone must meet in order for us to love them. He does not command us to love only those who love us. He tells us to love one another. This means everyone. No matter what someone has done to us, we should love them. God's love for us does not depend on our love for Him; He loves us whether we obey Him or reject Him. Even so, we must not base our love for others on their love for us or their attitude toward us. We must love them as Christ loves us. Romans 5:5 says, "And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." Of our own power, we would not be able to always show God's love. Yet through the empowering of His Holy Spirit, we can even show love to those who mistreat us. Not only does Christ desire for us to love others, but He desires for us to let His love flow through our lives. God is invisible, but we as His children are visible. While some may not read of God's love in His Word or see His love on Calvary, they may see it through us as believers. The only way some people may see the love of Christ is through our lives. Questions to Consider: How would someone judge Christianity based on your life? Are you letting Christ's love flow through you? Or will someone never see the love of Christ because of your life? Points to Ponder: John says that the logical progression and response to God’s love is for us to love one another. We are challenged to put our love on the line. Ask Christ to give you the strength to love those around you and let His love flow through you today. PRAYER: Thank You for bringing me into a relationship with You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to never forget the price and the power of His cross. In Jesus’ name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com Not Famous, But Faithful (I Corinthians 4:2)
I Corinthians 4:2, Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. Over a century and a half ago there lived a humble pastor in a small village in Leicestershire, England. He had never attended college and had no degrees. He was just an ordinary faithful pastor. In his church was a young cobbler to whom he gave special attention, teaching him the Word of God. This young man was later to be renowned as William Carey, one of the greatest missionaries of modern times. This same pastor had a son, a boy whom he taught faithfully and constantly encouraged. The boy's character and work ethic were profoundly affected by his father's life. The son was Robert Hall, the mightiest public orator of his day, whose sermons influenced the decisions of statesmen and whose character was as godly as his preaching was phenomenal. It seemed that the village pastor accomplished very little. But his faithful witness and godly life had much to do with giving India its William Carey and England its Robert Hall. God honors and blesses faithfulness. God places great value on faithfulness. He is looking for men and women faithful to Him. Proverbs 20:6, Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? God is looking for faithful people like: Job - Job 23:11, My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. 3 Hebrews - Daniel 3:18, But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Peter & John - Acts 4:19-20, But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. Paul - Acts 20:24, But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. Timothy - I Corinthians 4:17, For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church. Ministers are stewards of God. It’s been said, “The greatest ability is dependability." If you want to prove your worth, be faithful. Many believe it is more important to be famous, flamboyant, or flashy than to be faithful. Fame often brings great ruin to lives, but faithfulness never does. Faithfulness for a servant of the Lord involves at least three important topics. 1.Faithfulness to Christ. That is where faithfulness begins for God's servants. He is held accountable and shall be judged for how he ministers. The minister of God must be faithful to his call. He is the minister of Christ. Every minister is to be esteemed highly for his work's sake. He is the servant whom God has made steward over His household, over His church and His people. He has been honored by God. 2.Faithfulness to the Communication. He has been made responsible for the truths of God's Holy Word. The minister does not deal with perishable things such as money and possessions, but with the eternal things of God Himself, the eternal truths that God wants proclaimed to the world. God's servants must be faithful to the Word of God, faithful to proclaim the message of God as it is given to them. 3.Faithfulness in Character. If one is unfaithful in character, he is unlikely to be faithful in any other area of life. Ministers are required to be faithful. Faithfulness is essential to the minister. The minister is not required to be eloquent, successful, administrative, counsellor, socializer, visitor, greeter, etc. Although these are good qualities, the minister’s requirement is to be faithful. God's purpose for your life is to live faithfully and obey His commands. Sometimes we become discouraged in faithful living. No matter what results you may or may not see, you can have joy knowing that God's will is being done. Take heart in knowing that as you faithfully follow God, you are fulfilling His purpose for your life. He knows what's best and will accomplish His will through you as you're faithful to Him. Questions to Consider: Are you faithful in obedience to the Lord? Are you honoring the Lord with your life? Points to Ponder: God's servants must be faithful! Jesus is worthy of our faithfulness. PRAYER: Father in Heaven, give me the strength to live my life daily for You, sacrificing my wants and desires for how You would have me live my life. In Jesus Name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: www.fellowshipbaptistcarrabelle.com |
AuthorDr. Blackman is passionate about helping others grow in the grace of the Lord. His devotions are centered on how to grow closer to the Lord through a personal relationship with Christ. Archives
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