Guided by Grace (Exodus 23:20)
Exodus 23:20, Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Jim Elliot was unsure what to do after graduating from Wheaton College in 1949. He spent the summer praying for guidance, and on October 29 received a letter about the need for workers in Ecuador. Jim felt a “simple urge” in that direction. On November 25, his diary records interest in Peru and India. On December 1, British Guiana entered the picture. Four days later he wrote, Stirred for work among the Ecuadorian Quichuas again. On December 17, his missionary plans narrowed to either India or Ecuador. On December 31, he wrote : O Lord, if you see anything in me holding back the revelation of Your will about Ecuador, uncover it. Had a letter from India today which ended, “I would rejoice to think the New Year would find you here.” Still I am waiting. Early in 1950, he received acceptance from Wycliffe Bible Translator’s study camp in Oklahoma. Feel as though the Lord would have me there, whether I go to India or South America. Elliot arrived at the camp, still torn between two nations. The tutor assigned him was a missionary from Ecuador, and from him Jim first learned of the savage Aucas. But India still burned within him. On July 4, Jim set aside ten days for prayer. On July 14 he wrote, I asked for some word from God ten days ago, which would encourage my going to Ecuador. It came this morning in an unexpected place. I was reading in Exodus 23 when verse 20 came out vividly. “Behold I send an angel before thee to keep thee by the way and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.” * Coming as it did, with such preceding feelings and simple believing for some promise, I take this as leading … to Ecuador. This is the verse that sent Jim Elliot to his death, to his martyrdom, and to his glory—and that brought the Aucas, in God’s timing, to faith in Jesus Christ. In January of 1956, Jim Elliot and four other missionaries gave their lives in Ecuador in their effort to reach the Waodani (Auca) Indians. This fierce group was known to attack any outsiders, but the vision for reaching them with the gospel compelled these young men to take the risk. Not long after they set up camp near the Waodani village they were attacked by warriors. Refusing to defend their lives with force, the missionaries were killed. The news flashed around the world, and the story of courage and sacrifice challenged many to take up the missionary cause. Even today Elliot’s words live on: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Nothing of lasting significance and importance for God is ever accomplished without great sacrifice. Whether it is our time, our talent, our treasure, or even our lives, we must be willing to give up what is temporary for the sake of what is eternal. When we do, we are following the example and pattern of Christ and walking in His steps. PRAYER: Father in Heaven, You have been so good to me. You have placed godly people in my life. You have led me to many wonderful people. To my precious godly wife, the sweetest church I know, and to the hearts of those who are in need of You. There is no need to turn back now. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others:
Three Men and Their Foolish Choices (II Corinthians 6:2)
II Corinthians 6:2, For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Every choice and decision we make we have to live with. Some of the choices and decisions we make are not so costly. However, when it comes to life and death and where we will spend eternity, it should be a decision one takes very seriously. Life is not only fleeting (short) but it is also fragile. 1. Felix Said - "Not Right Now" Acts 24:24-25, And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. Rather than acccepting Christ as his Lord and Saviour, Felix chose to put it off and wait for a more convenient time. This man chose not to receive, but reject, Christ. What a mistake he made! This foolish choice to procrastinate would become a fatal one. Deceitful people often have a way of manipulating their way around authorities. However, no one will ever be able to cheat death and the judgment. The wicked like to think that if they can avoid the Bible in this life, they are home free. Not so! It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Divine judgment awaits the sinner after his death. Men must answer to God for how they have lived here on earth. Those who die without Christ have no hope at the judgment. 2. Festus Said - "Not At All," Acts 26:24, And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad. Festus’ main problem was that he never intended to hear Paul’s answer. Festus revealed how foolish he was when he opened his mouth and charged Paul with madness. Rather than getting right with God, Festus wanted to gain some personal glory with the new governor. He may have impressed his audience, however, he revealed his ignorance of God’s character. 3. Agrippa Said - "Almost" Acts 26:28, Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Agrippa came so close to accepting Christ as his Lord and Saviour. However, he too rejected Him. This proves that one can come so close and still not accept Him. Almost is good, but it’s not good enough. Those who continue to choose to grieve away the Holy Spirit; if they continue to reject the Gospel and become hard hearted; if they go unprepared into eternity, the day of salvation for them will be gone forever and no mercy will be found. God does not design to pardon men beyond the grave. There is no forgiveness for your sins after you are dead. Those who are not pardoned in this life will never be pardoned in an eternal Hell. If you are a Christian, the opportunity to serve Christ and tell others is now. Don't throw your opportunities away. Now is the acceptable time to serve the Lord. Make your time count for Christ. Prayer, Father, may I live a life of Your guiding light, love, and lowliness that others would want to call upon Jesus for salvation without any hesitation. In Jesus' name, Amen! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Hannah…Praying Mother (I Samuel 1:27-28)
I Samuel 1:27-28, For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there. Billy Sunday tells of a minister who was making visits. He came to a certain home and asked for the mother but the child opening the door answered, "You cannot see mother for she prays from nine to ten." He waited forty minutes to see that mother, and when she came out of her prayer closet the light of glory was on her face, and he knew why that home was so bright; he knew why her two sons were in the ministry and her daughter a missionary. "All hell cannot tear a boy or girl away from a praying mother," comments Mr. Sunday. One of the greatest fears that troubles Satan is prayer. He trembles when a Christian prays. In this fractured world, each family faces troubles, tests, and tribulations, but the trial in your home can be turned into blessing if you turn to the Lord. The Lord desires to do the impossible through situations that seem unbearable. A woman named Hannah begged God to give her a baby boy. Hannah had prayed earnestly, continually, and specifically for a child and God blessed Hannah and answered her prayers with the birth of Samuel. After the blessing of the child, she did not forget God, Hannah dedicated her son to the Lord for His service. Hannah kept her promise to God as she said she would (I Samuel 1:11). This truly exemplifies the concept of dedication. The LORD answered the prayers of thousands of godly people in Israel. Samuel, the last of the Judges (Acts 13:20) and the first of the prophets (Acts 13:24), by his godly life, his powerful preaching, and his anointing of King Saul and David, led Israel from the distressing days of the Judges, to the dynamic days of Israel. One woman prays and a whole nation is blessed. What a good God we serve! Three valuable lessons from Hannah’s prayer life: 1.Hannah prayed earnestly (I Samuel 1:11). remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, Hannah’s heart was expressed in her words. A praying mother is a great asset to her home, her church, and her community. She prays for wisdom and discernment in teaching and training her children. Her prayer is a desire that her children would come to know the Lord, and to serve Him, and to do His will. 2.Hannah prayed continually (I Samuel 1:12). she continued praying before the LORD, Hannah prayed several times a day; every day. A godly mother prays for her family every day. Just praying on occasion is not enough. The Scriptures command everyone to pray (Luke 18:1; Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; I Thessalonians 5:17). 3.Hannah prayed specifically (I Samuel 1:27). For this child I prayed; Hannah did not just pray for any child. She specifically prayer for a man child. There is nothing wrong with praying specifically. In fact, it’s Biblical. Just as it is important when we make a list of priorities, God desires that we prioritize our prayer life. Prayers for your family need to be specific. God remembered Hannah's prayer and Hannah bore a son and named him Samuel, which means “God heard”. Hannah learned a wonderful truth: God answers prayer. Samuel was a gift from the Lord. The Lord had given Samuel because she had prayed, believing. The peace came before she got the answer. Peace doesn’t come from getting everything we want or think we need from God. Peace comes from leaving everything with God, being content with what we have and praying the Lord’s will be done. Prayer is the answer to our afflictions. When we are in deep sorrow and our hearts are broken, prayer is the answer. Children are a precious gift from the LORD (Psalm 127:3). The prayer from every parent should be for the salvation of their children and that they would serve the LORD. Hanna’s influence on Samuel started a positive ripple effect. Samuel grew up to become a great man of God. He was a prophet, a judge, and started a school for prophets. He led many people to the Lord and honored his mother in ways that she hoped for. What kind of ripple effect will you create in your encounters with others today? PRAYER: Father in Heaven, I know that nothing happens in my life that You’re not aware of. I know that You will not abandon me in this affliction. SO, I’m asking You to teach me to see Your comforting hand in this affliction. May this sweeten my love, secure my hope, and strengthen my faith. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: He Will Cover You (Psalm 91:4)
Psalm 91:4, He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. During a blizzard in South Wales, England, a young mother and her baby were making their way across the foothills when she was overtaken by the frigid storm. Failing to reach her destination, a group of searchers found her frozen body with her baby tightly wrapped underneath her; the child was warm and still alive. The mother had taken off her outer garments and covered her child from the cold. The child grew up to be David Lloyd George, Britain's Prime Minister and one of the greatest statesmen in England. His political and social greatness was made possible because his mother covered him in love. Much like David Lloyd George, our achievements in life can only be attributed to the covering of God's love. God is omnipotent, all-powerful. He will cover and protect us under His wings of care when we stay close to Him. The psalmist compared God’s care for His people to a bird gathering her young under her wings in order to protect them. The Lord will be our refuge, covering and protect us in the dangers of life. The truth, or faithfulness, of God will be our shield and buckler. God has given us His faithful promises to use as our armor for life’s battles (Ephesians 6:10-20). We are protected by His faithfulness to His Word. Knowing that, we can have complete confidence that He will fulfill His promises to us. Through it all, however, God is our helper and He is always with us (Hebrews 13:5-6). In perilous times, we need to trust God to help us. When we abide in Him and live in the fullness of His Spirit, we can face every situation of life without fear. Whatever difficulties or dangers we may face, our Lord will be with us. The shadow of the Almighty will cover us through them all. Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your presence with me and that my future is secure in the place You're preparing for me. Your words bring me hope and comfort. Daily I catch glimpses of Your glory and blessing along the way as I walk with You. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Jesus is the Messiah (John 1:41)
John 1:41, He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. Charles Jennens was a very well known figure in his society. He was quite a site as he road into town on his magnificent coach drawn by four plumed horses. On Saturday, August 22, 1741, he brought a scrapbook with him to Handel's small study. He told Handel, "Here is a collection called The Messiah. Can you make an entertainment out of it?" When Jennens left, Handel started studying the text he received. He noticed that the words had been taken from Scripture. Handel felt that Jennens had really outdone himself this time, for the words sang like cardinals on a beautiful spring day. Handel started writing at once. He wrote so fast that the ink had scarcely dried on one page before he started another. The musical score was covered with splotches, but the Master did not notice them. He was oblivious to the whole world around him. Handel admitted later, "Whether I was in my body or out of body as I wrote The Messiah, I know not." He remained in the little front room on the first floor of his house, not for twenty-four hours, but for twenty-four days, setting down thousands of musical notes to Jennen's excerpts from the Bible. Handel was so consumed in what he was doing that he failed to touch his food that was brought regularly to him by his servant. Sometimes the servant stood in silent wonder as tears would drip from Handel's cheeks like the morning dew from lilies. They would mingle with the ink as they puddled on the pages. Once the servant found Handel sobbing with emotion. He had just finished the renown "Hallelujah Chorus" which brought the Queen to her feet when she heard it sung. Handel said of this chorus, "I thought I saw all Heaven before me and the great God Himself." You can understand what He is saying if you have ever heard this chorus. King of kings... Forever and ever, And Lord of lords... forever and ever. And He shall reign for ever and ever. And He shall reign for ever and ever. Ever since Jesus made His first public appearance, He had been trying to reach the nation of Israel. He was their Messiah and He did everything He could do to convince them of that truth. His miracles, His teachings, His compassion and His power were all clear evidence that the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament had appeared. Yet, when Israel saw Jesus, they refused to accept Him as their Messiah, their Lord or their Saviour. Jesus was rejected by the religious leaders in Israel, Mark 8:11. He was rejected by the nation as a whole, Mark 6:3. He was even judged to be a mad man by His Own family, Mark 3:21. This total rejection is summed up by the Apostle John when he said, “He came unto his own, and his own received him not,” John 1:11. Even as Jesus was attempting to reach Israel, He was also trying to teach His disciples. Jesus spent many months teaching them, displaying His power and revealing His identity to His men in powerful ways. For the longest time, they were blind to His identity. Even though they saw Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, control the forces of nature, multiply bread and fish and raise the dead; they still could not grasp just Who Jesus was. Andrew followed Jesus without hesitation (John 1:37) and he immediately proceeded to introduce others to Christ (John 1:40-42). Andrew had met Jesus personally, and Jesus had met the crying need of his heart. Andrew could not contain the peace and joy; he just had to tell his loved ones immediately. He wanted them also to experience the love and joy and peace of Jesus. Andrew's first concern was his brother Peter. The scene was striking. Immediately, after seeing Jesus for himself, Andrew rushed to find his own brother, Simon. Andrew was a great witness, a great personal worker for the Lord. He was always seen bringing someone to Jesus (John 6:8; 12:22). This should be the pattern adopted by all who follow Christ. Jesus is Messiah, the Christ, Anointed One. Messiah is the Hebrew word, translated into Greek, as Christ. Both words mean "Anointed One". One especially appointed by God for His plan and purpose. He shall reign forever and ever for He is the Lord Jesus Christ. God has highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow one day, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. He is the ONLY WAY to the Father in Heaven (John 14:6). He will receive you if you come to Him (John 6:37). PRAYER: Father in Heaven, thank You for loving me and accepting me in Christ. Help me to live for You and to share Your message of salvation with others. In Jesus name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Up and At It for The Lord (Acts 8:30-31)
Acts 8:30-31, And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. John Heinz, born in 1844 to German immigrants in Pittsburg, PA, was an industrious teenager. He turned a business of selling horseradish grown in his mother's garden into the largest pickle and condiment manufacturing company in the world. In 1875, a national financial collapse drove the young company into bankruptcy. Despite the legal freedom bankruptcy gave him, Heinz regarded each of the company’s outstanding debts as a moral obligation and personally paid back every penny. H. J. Heinz built his company to be a people-oriented place. Heinz went on to found the H.J. Heinz Company with its 57 varieties and became a leading American businessman. A devout Christian, he was known for the generous treatment of his employees and his generosity to Christian causes. Throughout his life Heinz conducted his business and personal dealings with the same integrity that led him to pay back hundreds of thousands of thousands of dollars he technically did not have to pay back. It is said that no fairer, franker man in business affairs ever lived. He helped promote the Pure Food and Drug Act in the U.S., which greatly enhanced the quality of processed foods. His epigram was that every successful business must be "run from the heart." His other memorable saying was: "Make all you can honestly, save all you can prudently, and give all you can wisely." One day at an evangelistic service the speaker challenged Heinz saying, "You are a believer but with all your energy why aren't you up and at it for the Lord?" The young businessman went home in anger. That night he couldn't sleep. At four o'clock in the morning he prayed that God would use him to lead others to Christ. Soon afterwards at a meeting of bank presidents Heinz turned to the man next to him and told him of his joy in knowing Jesus. His friend looked at him in surprise and said, "Because I knew you were a Christian, I've wondered many times why you never spoke to me about salvation." That man became the first of 267 people H. J. Heinz eventually led to Jesus Christ. In Acts 8, God directed Philip to a roadside encounter with an Ethiopian court official who stood reading from the book of Isaiah. Philip met him in the middle of a desert, not by coincidence. In the Scripture, we see that the Holy Spirit prompted Philip to “go over and join the chariot.” Philip ran to the man and found him reading from the book of Isaiah. The Ethiopian man expressed his desire to know more about what the Scripture was saying. As one reads through the chapter, it is clear that Philip seized the opportunity to explain the Scripture and proclaim the good news of the Gospel to the man. We see even further evidence that the man responded in faith to the Gospel because we see him pursuing baptism straight away. POINTS TO PONDER: When I am busy with my day, am I looking for “God ordained moments” to share the Gospel? Have I ever had an experience like the one just described? What did I do? QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: People's hearts are ready to hear the good news about Jesus Christ if we only would share His joy with them. Today give thanks that the Lord is your hope and ask for an opportunity to share Him with others. PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your wonderful gift of the Gospel. Help me to keep my eyes and ears open to Your leading to help share what has so impacted me. Give me the courage and the words to share with any person You direct me to meet. In Jesus’ name, Amen. If this post has blessed you in any way please share this website and its articles with others: Christ’s Coming and Christ’s Compensation (Revelation 22:12)
Revelation 22:12, And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Paul was motivated by the prize that God had in store for him. I Corinthians 9:25, And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. God's reward was an incentive for Paul as well as all Christians to serve Him. Paul looked forward to the crown of righteousness that the Lord had laid up for him. When Jesus returns, He will bring His reward with Him to give to those who have been faithful in serving Him. He promised this in the closing verses of the Bible (Revelation 22:12). In 1946, Akio Morita and another man started a new company called Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering in a bombed-out department store in Tokyo. It was in 1955, when Morita's company made the first portable transistor radio in the world. An American company, Bulova, offered to buy the radios at a handsome profit, but the deal troubled Mr. Morita. Under the deal, Bulova would sell the radios under their own name. Mr. Morita wanted to establish his own company's brand name. Even though this deal would have been very lucrative to this struggling company, Morita decided against it. He told the Bulova people, "I am now taking the first step for the next fifty years of my company." Mr. Morita's company went on to become one of the greatest success stories in business. Besides the transistor radio, they built the first VCR's and the first CD players. Before I forget, by the time he turned down the deal with Bulova, Morita had already changed the name of his company to SONY. In business, the choice is often between present and future rewards, with the biggest rewards coming in the years ahead. As servants of Christ, we must forsake the enticing, but small rewards, this life offers to gain the rewards that Christ has for us in faithful service to Him. By the grace of God, don't get sidetracked! Live a victorious Christian life! See these verses: Romans 14:12; I Corinthians 3:11-15; II Corinthians 5:10. The Certainty of His Coming. "Behold, I come quickly" (Revelation 22:12). "Behold" emphasizes the certainty of His coming. This is one of the three promises of Christ's coming given in this chapter. The other two promises of His coming found in this chapter are in Revelation 22:7, 20. The word translated as quickly has the sense of ‘swiftly’ or ‘speedily.’ It implies not only the time of His coming (soon) but the manner thereof as well (suddenly). When Jesus Christ comes, He will rule, rule on (judge), and reward. The Compensation at His Coming. "My reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" (Revelation 22:12). The Lord will record, remember, and reward His faithful servants when He comes! Jesus also makes mention that His reward is with Him. The word reward refers to ‘due compensation for services rendered.’ It also is rendered as ‘wages.’ The thought likely is of the various rewards promised for faithful service to Christ in this life. We surely are not saved by good works, but there will be rewards for faithful service to Christ someday, based upon the work we have done for Him after salvation. It is what we have actually done for Christ in the Christian life which will be rewarded in that day. He's also coming to give out! He is bringing His reward with Him. The Lord is coming back, and He will give out rewards or punishments at His judgment! For His saints He will give out to us as we have served Him. At the Judgment Seat of Christ Christians will receive rewards or Christians will suffer loss! (I Corinthians 3:11-15). When the Lord comes back accounts will be settled, rewards will be handed out, and judgments will be made! It will be a glorious appearing of our Lord and we should long for and look for His coming! We should be living for the Lord so that His appearing will not catch us unprepared! His reward is with Him. Seeing the Lord Jesus and being with the Him forever is the greatest of all rewards! We are not saved by our works, however the works we do for Jesus will be rewarded! The lost will be judged based on their work—and their work will condemn them! This judgment will be universal in scope and individual in sentence. Everyone will be given wages, pay for their service, reward according to his work. This reminds us again that the Lord knows what we do and why we do it! He knows our motives, our ministries, our service, our attitudes and actions! He knows it all! God's clock is ticking. Each day that passes brings us closer to the return of Christ. When He returns, His reward will be with Him. He will reward us according to our work. Those who have been faithful to Christ will receive His reward and those who have not been faithful will have salvation, but no reward at all. His coming will not be a welcomed sight for many! Are you prepared for His coming? PRAYER: Father in Heaven, by Your grace, I long to hear these words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”! In Jesus name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Standing on the Promises of God Without Losing Your Footing (Psalm 123:1-3)
Psalm 121:1-3, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Life is a journey. Along the way we face numerous difficulties. These difficulties can either be stumbling blocks or stepping-stones. Psalm 121 instructs us how we can turn stumbling blocks into stepping-stones. The Bible tells us about a source of help Who is greater than any problem imaginable. It was not the hills he was focusing on, it was He who was above them. He knew that his help would not come from the hills. He asks himself, “Where does my help come from?” David knew his help came from the LORD. God knows how easy it is for us to slip into sin and into discouragement. We must remember that He is always with us and has promised to sustain us with His presence and His power. The foundation, God's infinite power and goodness, is the foundation that our faith is built on. It cannot be moved. While we stand firm on it, our foot cannot be moved. God will keep your foot from slipping while traveling the journey of life. Life does not always offer many easy steps. Sometimes we get to the point when we wonder if we can make it one more step. Often when we slip and fall, we are tempted to just give up. Those who get their help from the Lord will continue on their journey. We need to remember that the Lord has never made a house that fell, nor a foundation that crumbled. There will be times when we feel like giving up and giving in, but we need to realize that He has lifted us out of the miry clay of this world and has established our goings. We are constantly being reinforced and held steady by the mighty hand of God. God is ever present. He cares about us and will never leave us or forsake us. God will help His people by establishing them in a firm place, allowing them to stand and not allowing their foot to be moved. Because the Lord is with us, we can “walk” through our valleys and look higher than our hills with confidence because of the evidence of His power and promises. We can go through our valleys and look above our mountains knowing that the Lord keeps us and He is with us no matter how high our mountains may be. He is with us always. Question to Consider: Does your help come from friends, family, athletic ability, academic skills, popularity, wealth? Point to Ponder: The source of all security and help is the Lord who made heaven and earth and He who controls all things. PRAYER: LORD, often I get weary on the journey because the path of life looks uncertain. I know that You are always with me and that You will never fail me. Help me to trust in You always. In Jesus name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Resolutions from the Life of Daniel (Daniel 1:1-8)
Now more than ever has there been a crucial need for young people of strong righteous character to purpose in their hearts not to compromise. The society we live in today is rampant in immorality, mischief, inequality, persecution, and self-indulgence, a time when scarce few rise up to wave the banner for integrity and righteousness. Daniel lived in a time of inexcusable immorality, anarchy, and violence when there was little uprightness and morality on earth was scarce. Notwithstanding, he stood firm for the Lord against the temptations and the enticements of an ungodly nation. In all ages, God’s people have always been faced with the pressures to compromise their personal walk with Him. Every day we face the temptation to compromise our commitment to the Lord. We must decide to be dedicated in our devotion for the Lord, regardless of the amount of pressure we face to compromise. We will examine that the pressures Daniel and his three friends faced by the king of Babylon were the same pressures we face today. Daniel made resolutions worth remembering. It’s easy for us to make a New Year’s resolution and forget about it before the week is up. But Daniel was resolved to make a difference in his generation and for his generation. 1. Resolve to Restore Character (Daniel 1:3-4) Daniel 1:3–4, And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of the eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king’s seed, and of princes; Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans. Society today is suffering from a lack of moral integrity. You can’t even turn on the sports channel without hearing about some scandal or type of cheating…in sports! Remember, these young Israelites were more than six hundred miles from home, they could have gotten away with anything and their parents would have never known—but God would have known. Despite the fact that he could do nothing about his environment or his circumstances, Daniel could control himself; that is, he had the liberty to control his thoughts, his words, his actions, his motives, and his heart. And this he did. Against overwhelming odds, Daniel was firm in his beliefs and in his commitment to the Lord, gaining the respect of many a heathen and many in authority in the process. Daniel knew who he was, and he knew Whose he was. Today, our society is becoming more paganistic and Christian teens are faced with enormous pressures to change their thinking from magazines, media, and movies, and as well as from educators. We need to pray for teens today, encouraging them to stand strong against the pressures to compromise the truth. 2. Resolve to Resist Culture (Daniel 1:5-7) Daniel 1:5–7, And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king’s meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king. Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego. The meat served at the king's table was unclean (defiled) according to the Mosaic Law and it was offered to idols before it was eaten. Daniel would not compromise by eating meat offered to idols. Daniel was not willing to compromise righteousness regardless of the cost. Daniel remained faithful to the Lord despite the strong temptation to compromise. Culture isn’t easy to resist today. With billboards, television commercials, and mainstream music constantly on the attack, resisting culture is easier said than done. Culture wasn’t easy to resist in Daniel’s day either. The Babylonian powers were forcing their gods, their diets, and their names on the Israelites. But Daniel resolved to resist culture. Peter said, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (I Peter 2:9). If we expect to do anything for God, we will have to resist culture! Although this seemed like such a small matter, it prepared him for bigger challenges later in life. Remember, he who is faithful in small things will be faithful in greater things. Are you willing to stand firm for the Lord and take the risks that sometimes come with doing what is right? There will come a time when every believer must choose to take a stand for what is right. Teens will always face the pressure to compromise in doing what is right. This is why it is so vital that teenagers take seriously their preparation to pursue righteousness. 3. Resolve to Refuse to Conform (Daniel 1:8) Daniel 1:8, But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. I imagine it would have been fairly easy to “give in” at this point. No parents, no pastor, no godly influences—conforming to the wicked lifestyle of the Babylonians would have been simple. No matter how much pressure others may put upon us to compromise, we must stand fast and not give in to the seduction of sin. No matter how appealing, attractive or alluring the craving may be, we must take a firm stand for You. We must purpose in our hearts that we will not defile ourselves. Swimming against the current only makes you a stronger swimmer. Paul was an advocate of swimming against culture’s current. He wrote, “I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:1–2). Will you be conformed or transformed? What are your goals for this year? I encourage you to follow the example of Daniel as you strive to make a difference this year. Prayer: Lord, Thank You for the strength I have in You to remain committed in my walk with You. I am encouraged by the example of Daniel and his three friends and the choice they made in obeying Your Word rather than compromising with the world. Often, I’m tempted to compromise my commitment to You. May I be determined to remain faithful to You and steadfast in my commitment to Your Word. In Jesus name, Amen! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: A New Life In Christ (II Corinthians 5:17)
II Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Paul had formerly lived for himself, in the flesh, viewed things from a carnal, humanistic point of view. He was now living in the Spirit for Christ and saw things in light of the cross or from a heavenly point of view. He was a new creature. He had been born again. All the old habits, attitudes, values, and thinking was in the processing of fading away and his new life in Christ was sprouting forth. Like a vibrant new stock in the spring pushing up beside the dead brown plant of last season, new life in Christ is a transformation from the inside out. All things become new. 1.The Change in Devotion. One's interests will greatly change. A saved person will have interests in spiritual things which an unsaved person will not. A saved person will have devotion for Christ which an unsaved person will not. Those who accept God’s forgiveness and by faith yield their lives to Jesus are “born again” (John 3:3-8) and completely renewed from the inside out. Through a personal relationship with Jesus, a believer becomes a new person (Galatians 6:15; Ephesians 2:10, 15; 4:24; Colossians 3:10), renewed in God’s image and demonstrating His attributes, (II Corinthians 4:16; I Corinthians 15:49; Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10). They become Christians. As new creations, Christians share His glory (II Corinthians 3:18) with a renewed knowledge of God (Colossians 3:10) and a transformed way of thinking and behaving (Romans 12:1-2) that begins to reflect God’s holiness. This speaks of moral purity, spiritual wholeness, separation from evil and dedication to God’s purposes, (Ephesians 4:24). All of this restores the believer to the purpose for which God originally created him or her. 2.The Change in Demeanor. There will be a change in the person's behavior when he is saved and reconciled to God. We are truly a new person in Christ. The grip of a great God molds us into a new creation in Christ. This is the message of the Christian ministry. A person can start life all over, no matter how corrupt he or she has become or how far down he or she has fallen. God longs to make a new creature out of that person. The transformation that is brought about by the new birth is not only an instantaneous miracle, but also a lifelong process of sanctification. For those so transformed, everything changes; the old things have passed away. All things "become" new. The word "become" indicates a past act with continuing results. God is continually working in our lives. When we are gripped by a great God, old values, ideas, plans, loves, desires, and beliefs vanish, replaced by the new things that accompany salvation. So what is new in our life? To be in Christ means that a believer walks and lives in Christ day by day. It means that they do not "walk after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Romans 8:1, 4). It means that "denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world" (Titus 2:12). It means that they bear the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). It means that they abide in Christ, that they become connected and attached to Christ. 3.The Change in Destiny. This is the greatest and most important change. The eternal destiny of the reconciled soul is heaven. The unreconciled soul is headed for eternity in hell. When a person becomes a new creature in Christ it means their whole being, nature, life, and behavior changes:
New Things for Christians 1. A New Birth (John 3:3) 2. A New Heart & Spirit (Ezekiel 36:26) 3. A New Man (Ephesians 4:24) 4. A New Song (Psalm 40:3) 5. A New Name (Revelation 2:17) 6. A New Home (John 14:1-2) 7. A New Body (II Corinthians 5:1) An English aristocrat visited the Fiji Islands. Being an infidel, he critically remarked to an elderly chief, “You’re a great leader, but it’s a pity you’ve been taken in by those foreign missionaries. They only want to get rich through you. No one believes the Bible anymore. People are tired of the threadbare story of Christ dying on a cross for the sins of mankind. They know better now. I’m sorry you’ve been so foolish as to accept their story.” The old chief’s eyes flashed as he answered, “See that great rock over there? On it we smashed the heads of our victims. Notice the furnace next to it? In that oven we formerly roasted the bodies of our enemies. If it hadn’t been for those good missionaries and the love of Jesus that changed us from cannibals into Christians, you’d never leave this place alive! You’d better thank the Lord for the Gospel; otherwise we would be feasting on your body. If it weren’t for the Bible, you’d now be our supper!” Thank God for those who have obeyed the Lord, trusted in Him, and have become NEW creatures in Jesus Christ! PRAYER: Lord, I know You are calling me to come closer and deeper than ever before, so right now I approach You with great reverence and surrender myself more fully to You. Today I am dedicating myself as a living sacrifice to be used in whatever way You choose. With all my heart I vow to give You my soul, my emotions, my spirit, my body, and everything else that I am and that I possess. I consecrate myself to You. I want to live for You and to serve You for the rest of my life. Right now, I yield to You completely. When You speak, I will do exactly what You tell me to do. I want to live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus name, AMEN! If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: |
AuthorDr. Blackman is passionate about helping others grow in the grace of the Lord. His devotions are centered on how to grow closer to the Lord through a personal relationship with Christ. Archives
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