Men of Character: Three Hebrews: Men of Courage (Daniel 3:16-18)
Daniel 3:16-18, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Two boys entered the dentist's office. One of the boys said, "Doc, will you pull a tooth right this minute?" The dentist replied, "You don't need any gas or Novocain?" The boy said, "Nope! Just one big yank!" The doctor replied, "Sure! That's what I call being brave and courageous. Now show me the tooth you want pulled." The boy turned to his little brother and said, "Come here Jimmy and show the Doc your tooth." We are brave for others but struggle sometimes to have our own courage. These three Hebrews had genuine courage and confidence in the Lord. They knew that their God was able to save them from the fiery furnace. In fact, they were casting themselves upon the Lord to rescue them. But even if the Lord chose not to deliver them, they still could not betray Him. The minds of the three Hebrew men were made up! These men had genuine courage and faith. They would not bend, bow, budge or break. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. God wants us to make up our minds to live for Him! We need to make that decision now before we are tested. Trials will come. Our attitude should be that of Job 13:15, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. These three young men faced the ultimate test of their faith. They either had to disobey the Lord or disobey the king. And their decision was a matter of life or death. Their first loyalty belonged to the Lord. They loved and believed in the Lord and knew Him in a very personal way. From the earliest days of childhood all three of these young men had made the Word of God the center of their lives. When our faith is tested, we must continue to trust the Lord. Even if the test is a matter of life or death for us, we are never to deny the Lord. We must entrust the keeping of our souls totally into God’s hands. No matter how strong the temptation or how difficult the trial, God expects us to continue to believe and trust Him. Our faith is not to waver nor collapse, but rather to remain strong. Through faith, we can overcome all the tests and trials of life. We will never know the true strength of our faith until it is tested. Prayer: Father in Heaven, I know strength and help comes from You. Thank You for giving me courage under fire when serving You gets hard. Help me to continue to stand for You in life’s fiery trials. In Jesus name, Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others:
Men of Character: Abraham-Man of Faith (Hebrews 11:8-10)
Hebrews 11:8–10, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” Abraham’s faith is a wonderful example and pattern that we need to follow (Genesis 12:1-4). Faith does not wait until it fully understands how things will work out before it begins to act. Rather, faith obeys and believes that God will fulfill all of His promises. The conversation that Abraham and Sarah had when God told Abraham to leave Ur must have been interesting. I picture it going something like this. “Honey, God has told me we’re going to move.” “Okay, where are we going?” “Uh...I don’t know. God told me He would let me know when we get there.” Why did Abraham leave behind his homeland without knowing his destination? Because of faith. Abraham could have questioned God. “God, if You will tell me first the destination or direction, I’ll go.” Abraham could have delayed his faith. He could have said, “It’s not a good time for me to move right now. I’ll definitely move later, God, as soon as I see how Your plan plays out.” Abraham chose to obey and follow the Lord. Sometimes we think that it would be pretty easy to do what God says if we could see in advance exactly how all the details would come together and how our course would run...but that is not what living by faith is. Instead, faith trusts God enough to obey even without understanding what all the details are. Someone said, “Faith is starting out before you figure out how it’s going to turn out.” A simple definition of faith would be taking God at His Word. II Corinthians 5:7, For we walk by faith, not by sight. Too often believer’s fail to walk where God instructs them to go because the way is unfamiliar to them. Spurgeon said, “Faith’s eye sees in the dark.” When a believer walks by faith, the believer says with their faith, “God is in control, His way is best, with Him there are no accidents, I’m taking Him at His Word.” The life of a child of God is to be a life lived by faith in God. The question is what is our measure, or degree of faith? It’s either: No faith (Mark 4:40), little faith (Matthew 6:30), or great faith (Matthew 15:28). Prayer, Lord, I confess that it’s so natural for me to rely on what I see rather than what You tell me in Your Word. Increase my faith to believe what You say. Increase my courage to obey You without delay. Help me to follow Abraham’s example of living by faith and seeing life through spiritual eyes. Thank You that following You is the path to abundant life. I trust You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Men of Character:
Elijah-Man of Prayer (James 5:16-18) James 5:16-18, Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Elijah truly was a prayer warrior. A man who believed in the power of prayer. Elijah’s prayers brought a widow’s son back to life (I Kings 17:22), caused it not to rain for three and a half years (James 5:17), and that brought fire down from heaven (I Kings 18:36-38). Prayer should be as natural to the child of God as breathing is to the human body, because prayer is the believer’s spiritual breath. The reason so many believers are always spiritually tired and weary is they have been holding their spiritual breath. The Christian who says, "I simply can't find time for prayer," is like the person who says, "I just can't find time to breathe." If we refuse to pray regularly, we will spiritually suffocate. When God said to pray without ceasing, the word “ceasing” means uninterrupted. The Word “effectual” means to be active. It has the sense of being ‘energized.’ What James is driving at is that effective prayer is fervent and from the heart. When a man will pour out his heart in prayer, God tends to hear the same. Prayer cannot be once a week, or even once a day. It means to have a mind of prayer or an attitude of prayer. To “avail” means to have force or to be of strength. In other words, prayer that is so strong that it accomplishes what was intended. There are things we cannot do that only God can do such as provide, protect, and son on. Without being saved there are no prayers answered. We have access to God because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1-2). One of the great tragedies of modern-day Christianity is that we simply do not pray as we should. The Lord has placed all of the power and resources of Heaven at our disposal to do His work, yet we “have not, because [we] ask not” (James 4:2). Prayer is not an empty ritual, nor is it a religious exercise. It’s how a child of God goes to the throne of grace based on the relationship He has freely given us to seek His help which He has promised to give. According to the Scriptures, God commands us to pray in the following verses: Luke 18:1; 21:36; Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; I Thessalonians 5:17; I Timothy 2:1. The success of a father is dependent upon prayer. Prayer changes marriages, families, ministries, and etc. What could the Lord do in and through our families and churches if men would pray? PRAYER: Father, I praise You that I can at anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstance come to You in prayer. My desire is to keep walking continually with You, so that my prayer may be the natural expression of my life with You. In Jesus name, AMEN. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Men of Character: Wisdom of Solomon (Proverbs 4:7)
Proverbs 4:7, Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. The word principal has the sense of ‘primary,’ ‘first,’ or ‘chief.’ Wisdom ought to be the highest and first priority in life. Wisdom is the ability to exercise the discernment and judgment of God's Word. Wisdom is the ability to apply the Bible to our everyday life. We need to ask God for wisdom in every area of our lives. Apart from Jesus Christ, the Bible declares Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. Both Testaments speak of Solomon’s wisdom in I Kings 4:30-31; Matthew 12:42. In the beginning, Solomon genuinely loved the Lord (I Kings 3:3). He walked in the instructions of his father (I Kings 3:3). He had a heart of gratitude (I Kings 3:6). He was humble (I Kings 3:7). He had a teachable spirit (I Kings 3:7). He feared God (I Kings 3:9). Solomon possessed an attitude that caused him to seek for wisdom and understanding, which in turn, pleased the Lord. The Bible values wisdom greater than any treasure one could ever desire (Proverbs 3:14-15; 8:10-11). According to Proverbs, those who pursue wisdom will reap the benefits that come from receiving wisdom: happiness (Proverbs 3:13, 18), length of days, riches, and honor (Proverbs 3:16), pleasantness and peace (Proverbs 3:17), tree of life (Proverbs 3:18), life to your soul and grace to your neck (Proverbs 3:22), safety and not stumbling (Proverbs 3:23), and sweet rest (Proverbs 3:24). How does one obtain this measure of wisdom? According to Proverbs 2:6, wisdom comes from the Lord. Proverbs 2:6, For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10). One cannot get true wisdom until he gets saved. Wisdom comes by: The Word of God (Psalm 19:7), wise men (Proverbs 13:20), a godly pastor (Jeremiah 3:15), and asking the Lord (James 1:5). Notice: James doesn’t say, “Go to the philosophers, or go get the latest best seller”. Rather than looking to men, or the latest philosophical fad, he urged them to look to God for the wisdom they needed. Wisdom benefits not only the one who has it, but also those who come in contact with the one who is wise. Proverbs 13:20a, He that walketh with wise men shall be wise...” Children learn an abundant amount of wisdom by what they see in their parents. Every believer, especially every father, needs wisdom. We know that wisdom is priceless and essential but we must decide we want it. Those who choose to refuse, or reject, it will make foolish choices. Every father must take every opportunity to make wise decisions. PRAYER: Father, today I want to start the day with You on my mind and in my heart. Help me crave Your presence more than I crave sin. Help me grow in the fruit of the Spirit and walk closer with You. Keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from wandering into distractions. Lord, thank You for the people You have placed in my life. Give me a heart of discernment to know when You are using someone to speak instruction into my heart and my circumstances. In Jesus name, AMEN. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Memorial Day (Psalm 33:12)
Psalm 33:12, Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD: and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Memorial Day is about remembering. Today is a day to remember the brave men and women who have served and given their lives for our freedom. The men and women who have given their lives for the cause of freedom are heroes for their courage. They didn’t fight because a brutal dictator forced them to advance his regime. They gave their lives for the God-given right of freedom. They fought to preserve the freedoms with which God has blessed our nation; the very freedoms that give us the liberty to worship our God. Memorial Day is an important national moment. It is a day to do more than relax by the pool, grill, fish, or etc. It is right and wise to remember the great sacrifice some have paid to preserve the historically unprecedented civil and religious freedoms we Americans have the luxury to take largely for granted. May we pray the Lord blesses us with spiritual and political leaders who will honor and obey the Lord. Psalm 103:1-5, Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: As Americans, we have great privileges and freedom because of the high price that has been paid by heroes of the past and present. As Christians, we have even greater privileges and freedom because of the high price paid by Jesus for our salvation. It is vitally important that we never forget the many good things that God does for us each day nor the cost that was required for the benefits we enjoy. Because God knows better than we do how forgetful we are of who He is and what He has done, He commands us to remember. Psalm 9:17, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 106:13–14, They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. Psalm 78:42, They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. But the importance of Memorial Day is more for our future than it is for our past. It is crucial that we remember the horrors and why they happened. We forget them at our own peril. The future of the United States depends in large amount on how well we collectively remember and cherish what liberty really is and the terror of tyranny. There is a high cost to forgetting. In the words of George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” There is a real danger when we enjoy great blessings that we can begin to take for granted and think that we deserve them. The more God does for us, the more grateful we should be. Just as we rightly set aside a day to honor our nation's heroes, we should also take time to give thanks to God for our spiritual liberty and His many benefits to us. Christians, today, may we take time to honor those brave soldiers by remembering them. Let’s not assume it will happen on its own, In the midst of our organized social activities today, let’s pause and let our mind and heart remember. PRAYER: Father, I thank You mostly for Jesus and His sacrifice for my sins. In Him, I have freedom. I also thank You for the birth and the blessings for this great country. I resolve to make this day a time to honor and recognize the brave men and women who sacrificed for my freedoms and the freedoms of other nations. Stir my heart, Lord, with patriotism and thankfulness as I remember the blessing You have bestowed on this great nation. I ask You to minister comfort and peace to those who grieve and are suffering. May I respectfully honor all the men and women who presently serve in the armed forces. May they feel appreciated and supported this day and every day. In Jesus name, AMEN. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Disconnected (Psalm 10:1)
Psalm 10:1, Why standest thou afar off, O Lord? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? Those who follow our daily devotions page regularly noticed yesterday that for several hours we had not posted a devotion for our website. The issue was our internet service was down. While this was frustrating for me, it was also out of my control. The more I thought about it, I began thinking of others who were (disconnected) without their internet service. Many people that depend on the internet for business, communication, social interaction, etc. Then it hit me, what must it be like to feel disconnected from the LORD? Have you ever had a time when it seemed that you were disconnected from God? Maybe you prayed, but it seemed God wasn’t listening. Like David, sometimes people feel disconnected from God (Psalm 10:1). There are times in our lives when we have a distant, or disconnected, feeling from God like we’ve lost our passion for our pursuit of Him. This is a very miserable feeling. In fact, sociologists report, if the power grids were to fail to produce energy to power our homes, resulting in no internet service, that within three days the impact would be felt mostly amongst the millennials of our generation. It causes me to ask myself, how long could I bear to be disconnected from communication with the Lord? The truth is, God has never left us. Omnipresence means present everywhere at the same time, at all times. He has been that way for all eternity. He isn’t contained by this universe (His creation). Yet, He permeates every inch of it. That means He’s there in your bedroom, in your car, at your work, with you on vacation and with you in times of joy, in times of immense pain and heartache. Whether you are in tune with His constant presence or not, God is right there…always. How would your life change if you lived your belief that God is holy, omniscient, that He loved you, and that unrepentant sin is what separates you from Him? God is very active in our lives. In the end when we feel isolated and alone, it is not because God is gone, but because we do not see Him working. We sometimes feel as if God has pulled away from us, but in actuality, we have held onto things in our lives that have created that space between us and Him, blocking our intimacy with Him. This can come in many forms including people, busyness, disappointment with God, career, or social media. It can come from anything that diverts your attention or drains your energy away from God. When we sin, it creates feelings of guilt and this guilt destroys our desire for intimacy with God, creating a gap between us and Him. With a habitual sin, we are constantly reliving this cycle of sin, guilt and repentance that wears on us and makes the space between us and God larger and larger. By admitting our struggle and working to remove a habitual sin from our lives, we close that gap and progress towards reestablishing our walk with God. PRAYER: Lord, I want to thank You for Your ever presence in my life. I want to be more connected with you. Lead the way. Put in my mind and heart, or the circumstances of my life today what You want me to do. I know You long to speak to me and I desire to hear from You. Teach me that I might have a deeper connection with You, that the Holy Spirit may transform my life so that I may perform Your will for my life. In Jesus name Amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: God’s GPS (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. When traveling abroad or to an area I’m unfamiliar with, I travel with my GPS. The GPS lets you know where you are and where you need to go. Once you enter your destination within seconds you have detailed directions anywhere in the world. It is so detailed that it allows you to begin your journey from the place you are currently at. From the location you are currently at it will take you to your desired destination. All you have to do is trust it. God has a plan for your life. If we trusted the Lord the same way we trust our GPS, life would be far less complicated. Many people fail to embrace His plan because they do not realize the starting point. Right here, right now, God is inviting all of us to follow Him, to trust Him and to listen to Him. He has mapped this way, He has scouted the trail, He has charted the course. He has already surveyed the scenery and knows the exact turns we should take. Start at your current location and listen to His instruction and guidance. Right here, right now you can begin to trust God. Not only will you get to your desired location, you’ll enjoy the trip. At times in our Christian walk we come to a juncture and we need to know the direction God has for us. At other times the road may be filled with obstacles, littered with pot holes, or tied up in “construction.” Just like David, we need to hear God’s advice and counsel. Here is the great part; all we have to do is turn on our GPS (God’s Positioning System). He is our creator, our Father and friend. God says in Psalm 32:8, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. He will never lead us down the wrong route, or leave us when the road gets rough. Although we may not always understand why He steers us on a particular road, we can be confident that He knows how to get us safely to our final destination. Jim Elliot said, It’s His business to lead, command, send, and call…it is your business to obey, follow, move, respond. Throughout Scripture we are reminded of God’s direction over our lives. He is our good Shepherd who leads us and He desires that we follow the path that leads to joy and contentment. When we pray for God’s guidance and for discernment through the Holy Spirit, we can rest assured that God will provide wisdom! We do not have to worry about our next step, or about tomorrow, because we know Who guides our way! Do not rush your day without going before God to seek guidance! PRAYER: Lord, Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. Forgive me for getting ahead of Your plans and help me know when to stop and listen for Your direction. Your ways are perfect. In Jesus name, AMEN. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Walk in Wisdom (Psalm 37:23)
Psalm 37:23, The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. There is nothing more satisfying to a believer than to be living in the will of God for his life. And it is good to know that God actually delights in leading us along that way which He is laying out for us. That verse gives us a basic principle for knowing His way. We need to seek His leading in everything! Of course, it may not be an easy path. “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps” (I Peter 2:21). Even if the path seems difficult at times, it is a good path because it honors Him. An important check to be sure we are not drifting far off the path is to be sure we don’t disobey, or question, His written Word. “Order my steps in thy word,” we should pray each day (Psalm 119:133). God Himself establishes the path of the righteous person. David and Solomon make it clear that walking in God’s presence is necessary to a righteous life (Psalm 23:3; Proverbs 8:17-20). Meditate today on “the way of righteousness.” This speaks of a course of action; a life direction; a pattern of behavior; a series of circumstances. Life has many paths. You can choose many courses and directions for your life. Some paths are obviously wrong and they take us to very bad places. If you follow those wrong roads in life, you get to a place where you wonder, What am I doing here? I didn’t want my life to be about this. I had bigger and better dreams. You are ready for God's way of righteousness. Seeking His way is the first step to getting out of wrong paths and back into a way of living that God can bless. Proverbs 14:12; 16:25, There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. That’s not what you want to do with your life. Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. If you have a heart to be on the right path, your ears ought to perk up when the Word of God says, “…he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” (Psalm 23:3). Literally it means into right paths. God Himself is very interested in your being on the right path—paths that lead to joy, peace and blessing. You may say, “I want those paths that lead to life and blessing and prosperity.” Psalm 16:11, speaking of the Lord, says, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy;” Isn’t it encouraging to know that God guides our paths? The hand of Almighty God, if you’ll submit to Him, is directing you into the right way. It might not be my way; it might not be someone else’s way. But it’s the right path for you as you continually seek to respond to His guidance and leading. Points to Ponder: ·There are paths that are right for a season. ·This was good at one time in our lives, but now He may need you to go a different way. ·Even on a good path God might change your life and send you in a new direction. ·Your plan should be to seek His guidance in His Word and by His Spirit whether you stay the course or make a turn. Questions to Consider: ·In what ways can you see the path of righteousness God is leading you on? ·How are you regularly submitting to His guidance? Prayer, Father, I believe You have a path of righteousness planned for me: I want to take every step on it! Alert me if I wander, correct me if I persist in a wrong detour. Thank You for the promise of Your presence and guidance. Thank You for Your Son’s commitment to never leave me or forsake me. I can rest and walk in righteousness with those promises. In Jesus’ name, amen. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Keeping the Past in the Past (Philippians 3:13-14)
Philippians 3:13-14, Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Have you ever left the house without your checkbook or grocery list—or even worse, without your driver’s license? Ever get amnesia when your spouse’s birthday or anniversary rolled around? Well, you know what they say: “The first thing that goes is the mind, and I can’t remember what else!” It’s usually an embarrassing thing when we forget, isn’t it? Usually it’s the things we shouldn’t forget that escape our minds while things we should forget we tend to remember often, and in detail. One of the Christians biggest problems, it is right here—dwelling on the past. You cannot run a race while looking backward. Too many Christians are still stuck in the past. We can never be who we ought to be if we are focused on the failures, disappointments and heartaches. Paul wasted no time on the past. He was running the race for Christ. Paul would not focus on the past. He was looking ahead and determined to stay focused on Christ. Paul was serious about not allowing the past to hinder his present. Whether filled with the good, the bad, or the outrageous, the past is set in stone and there is nothing we do can change it. Therefore, we can do one of two things. We can dwell on the past and focus upon our failures and shortcomings; or, lest we repeat it, we can look to the past, learn from it and move forward. When we focus on the past we cannot make any contributions for the future. This is what Satan wants us to do. He wants us to wallow in guilt and self-pity. He wants to put us out of commission for Christ. Life is full of ups and downs; good times and bad times, times of encouragement and times of discouragement. Everyone can look back on their lives and wish that they could do some things over, things that they wish they could change and things that they regret that ever happened. Everyone has had skeletons in their closets. In life, we can learn from and grow through past experiences, or we can dwell on and be defeated by past experiences. Failure is not final when God is in control. Let go of your past today. It will set you free to do wonders for Christ beyond your wildest dreams. PRAYER: Lord, You see my pain and You know my grief. There are memories I don’t want to relive, but I can’t erase them. They come when I least suspect it, and the weight of the emotions threatens to consume me. In You I am safe, not only from the past, but from lingering memories as well. In Jesus name, AMEN. If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: Take the Lord at His Word (Philippians 4:19)
Philippians 4:19, But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. George Müller founded the Scriptural Knowledge Institute for Home and Abroad. It sent out over 160 missionaries from Britain, distributed 111 million gospel tracts, supported 2,000 orphans in five orphanages, and trained 121,000 students. George Müller was a man who knew a great deal about faith. His large orphanages provided care to thousands of children, yet he never publicly asked anyone for money. Instead he prayed. Regarding faith and trials Müller wrote: “God delights to increase the faith of His children...I say, and say it deliberately—trials, difficulties and sometimes defeat, are the very food of faith...We should take them out of His hands as evidences of His love and care for us in developing more and more that faith which He is seeking to strengthen in us.” Müller believed that God would supply his material needs through prayer alone. He relied on gifts for his ministry and personal support, but only the Lord knew of the needs. One day a man arrived at one of Müller's orphanages. A woman opened the door and said, "Have you brought the bread?" The man replied, "What bread?" "The bread for the children. It is five minutes before mealtime." He found many children waiting patiently for breakfast. In a few minutes the woman came back saying, "The bread has come." A cart of bread had been delivered in answer to prayer. Later the man learned they needed about $25,000 that day by noon. Mr. Müller confessed, "I don't know where a penny of it is coming from, but it is certainly coming." A letter from India arrived and was opened in the visitor's presence. It contained a draft for the exact amount needed. Proverbs 15:29, The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. Over $500,000 was given to the Institute. Müller gave away most of it and left a personal estate valued at less than one thousand dollars. Are you looking to the Lord for the needs in your life? In prayer give thanks to Jesus Christ—the supplier of every good thing. Let Him know your needs. PRAYER: Lord, thank you that no circumstance is too far out of Your control to provide. I thank You that You own it all, and hold everything in Your hands. You know my needs before I even ask, before I come to You. I ask for Your answer, in Your timing, in Your plan. Thank You for the abundance of blessing and goodness You have already stored up. Thank You for teaching me to be content in all circumstances, I trust You this day, and every day, I love You Lord, I’m leaning on You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen If this post in any way, has blessed you, please share this website and its articles with others: |
AuthorDr. Blackman is passionate about helping others grow in the grace of the Lord. His devotions are centered on how to grow closer to the Lord through a personal relationship with Christ. Archives
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